[اقتباسات] 📘 ❞ Signals and systems ❝ كتاب اصدار 2008

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█ _ 2008 حصريا كتاب ❞ Signals and systems ❝ 2024 systems: تحليل الإشارات والنظم A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS D Sundararajan A Sundararajan John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd Copyright © John Ltd, 2 Clementi Loop, # 02 01, Singapore 129809 Visit our Home Page on www wiley com All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, otherwise, except as expressly permitted law, without either the prior written permission Publisher, authorization through payment of the appropriate photocopy fee to Copyright Clearance Center Requests for should addressed to the #02 01, Singapore 129809, tel: 65 64632400, fax: 64646912, email: enquiry@wiley com sg Designations used companies distinguish their products are often claimed trademarks All brand names and product book trade names, service marks, registered their respective owners The Publisher is not associated with product vendor mentioned All trademarks referred text property respective This designed provide accurate authoritative information regard subject matter covered It sold understanding that engaged rendering professional services If professional advice other expert assistance required, competent sought Other Editorial Offices John Sons, Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK John Inc , 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA Jossey Bass, 989 Market San Francisco, CA 94103 1741, USA Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH, Boschstr 12, D 69469 Weinheim, Germany John Australia 42 McDougall Milton, Queensland 4064, Australia John Canada 6045 Freemont Blvd, Mississauga, ONT, L5R 4J3, Canada Wiley also publishes its books variety electronic formats Some content appears print be available Library Congress Cataloging Publication Data Sundararajan, Practical approach signals Sundararajan p cm Includes bibliographical references index ISBN 978 0 470 82353 8 (cloth) 1 Signal theory (Telecommunication) processing 3 System analysis I Title TKTK5102 9 S796 2008 621 382’23–dc22 2008012023 ISBN (HB) Typeset 11 13pt Times Thomson Digital, Noida, India Printed bound Markono Print Media printed acid free paper responsibly manufactured from sustainable forestry which at least two trees planted each one production Contents Preface xiii Abbreviations xv 1 Introduction 1 1 1 Organization Book 1 2 Discrete 5 2 Classification Continuous, Digital Periodic Aperiodic 7 2 Energy Power 4 Even Odd symmetric 8 2 5 Causal Noncausal 10 2 6 Deterministic Random Basic 11 2 Unit impulse step 12 2 ramp 13 2 Sinusoids Exponentials Operations 20 2 Time Shifting 21 2 Reversal Scaling 22 2 Summary 23 Further Reading 23 Exercises 23 3 Continuous 29 3 30 3 31 vi Contents 3 31 3 33 3 34 3 42 3 43 3 45 3 46 3 47 3 48 Further 48 Exercises 48 4 domain Analysis Systems 53 4 Difference Equation Model Response 55 4 Impulse 58 4 Characterization Responses Impulse and 60 4 61 4 Linear Nonlinear invariant varying 62 4 63 4 Instantaneous Dynamic 64 4 Inverse Convolution–Summation Properties 67 4 68 4 Complex Exponential Input 69 4 Stability 71 4 Realization 72 4 Decomposition Higher order 73 4 Feedback 74 4 74 Further 75 Exercises 75 Contents vii 5 79 5 80 5 81 5 82 5 83 5 Lumped parameter Distributed Differential Convolution integral 85 5 87 5 88 5 89 5 91 5 92 5 93 5 94 5 95 5 7 96 Further 97 Exercises 97 6 Fourier Transform 101 6 Frequency 102 6 Versions 104 6 Approximation Arbitrary Waveforms Finite Number Samples DFT IDFT 105 6 107 6 110 6 Linearity Periodicity Circular Shift Sequence Spectrum 111 6 Symmetry Sequences 112 viii Contents 6 113 6 Parseval’s Theorem 114 6 Applications Computation Using Interpolation Decimation 115 6 119 Further 119 Exercises 119 7 Series 123 7 FS Limiting Case Compact Trigonometric Form 125 7 126 7 Existence Gibbs Phenomenon 130 7 132 7 133 7 135 7 136 7 137 7 Duality 138 7 Differentiation 139 7 10 Integration 140 7 141 7 Aliasing Effect 142 7 144 7 145 Further 145 Exercises 145 8 time 151 8 DTFT Dual Relationship Between 156 8 158 8 Determination 158 كتب الإلكترونيات مجاناً PDF اونلاين قسم الالكترونيات هذا القسم يشمل العديد من الكتب الهامة المجال مجال يختص بدراسة الشحنات الكهربية الموصلات اللافلزية حين يشير مصطلح الكهرباء إلى تدفق خلال موصلات فلزية عن اساسيات للمبتدئين واَلْإِلِكْترُونِيَّات (بالإنجليزية: Electronics) هو (الإلكترونات المتحركة) (غالبًا ما يُطلق عليها أشباه موصلات)

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Signals and systems

Signals and systems

صدر 2008م
Signals and systems

Signals and systems

صدر 2008م
عن كتاب Signals and systems:
تحليل الإشارات والنظم
D. Sundararajan

D. Sundararajan
John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sundararajan, D.
Practical approach to signals and systems / D. Sundararajan.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-470-82353-8 (cloth)
1. Signal theory (Telecommunication) 2. Signal processing. 3. System analysis. I. Title.
TKTK5102.9.S796 2008
ISBN 978-0-470-82353-8 (HB)
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Preface xiii
Abbreviations xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Organization of this Book 1
2 Discrete Signals 5
2.1 Classification of Signals 5
2.1.1 Continuous, Discrete and Digital Signals 5
2.1.2 Periodic and Aperiodic Signals 7
2.1.3 Energy and Power Signals 7
2.1.4 Even- and Odd-symmetric Signals 8
2.1.5 Causal and Noncausal Signals 10
2.1.6 Deterministic and Random Signals 10
2.2 Basic Signals 11
2.2.1 Unit-impulse Signal 11
2.2.2 Unit-step Signal 12
2.2.3 Unit-ramp Signal 13
2.2.4 Sinusoids and Exponentials 13
2.3 Signal Operations 20
2.3.1 Time Shifting 21
2.3.2 Time Reversal 21
2.3.3 Time Scaling 22
2.4 Summary 23
Further Reading 23
Exercises 23
3 Continuous Signals 29
3.1 Classification of Signals 29
3.1.1 Continuous Signals 29
3.1.2 Periodic and Aperiodic Signals 30
3.1.3 Energy and Power Signals 31
vi Contents
3.1.4 Even- and Odd-symmetric Signals 31
3.1.5 Causal and Noncausal Signals 33
3.2 Basic Signals 33
3.2.1 Unit-step Signal 33
3.2.2 Unit-impulse Signal 34
3.2.3 Unit-ramp Signal 42
3.2.4 Sinusoids 43
3.3 Signal Operations 45
3.3.1 Time Shifting 45
3.3.2 Time Reversal 46
3.3.3 Time Scaling 47
3.4 Summary 48
Further Reading 48
Exercises 48
4 Time-domain Analysis of Discrete Systems 53
4.1 Difference Equation Model 53
4.1.1 System Response 55
4.1.2 Impulse Response 58
4.1.3 Characterization of Systems by their Responses to Impulse
and Unit-step Signals 60
4.2 Classification of Systems 61
4.2.1 Linear and Nonlinear Systems 61
4.2.2 Time-invariant and Time-varying Systems 62
4.2.3 Causal and Noncausal Systems 63
4.2.4 Instantaneous and Dynamic Systems 64
4.2.5 Inverse Systems 64
4.2.6 Continuous and Discrete Systems 64
4.3 Convolution–Summation Model 64
4.3.1 Properties of Convolution–Summation 67
4.3.2 The Difference Equation and Convolution–Summation 68
4.3.3 Response to Complex Exponential Input 69
4.4 System Stability 71
4.5 Realization of Discrete Systems 72
4.5.1 Decomposition of Higher-order Systems 73
4.5.2 Feedback Systems 74
4.6 Summary 74
Further Reading 75
Exercises 75
Contents vii
5 Time-domain Analysis of Continuous Systems 79
5.1 Classification of Systems 80
5.1.1 Linear and Nonlinear Systems 80
5.1.2 Time-invariant and Time-varying Systems 81
5.1.3 Causal and Noncausal Systems 82
5.1.4 Instantaneous and Dynamic Systems 83
5.1.5 Lumped-parameter and Distributed-parameter Systems 83
5.1.6 Inverse Systems 83
5.2 Differential Equation Model 83
5.3 Convolution-integral Model 85
5.3.1 Properties of the Convolution-integral 87
5.4 System Response 88
5.4.1 Impulse Response 88
5.4.2 Response to Unit-step Input 89
5.4.3 Characterization of Systems by their Responses to Impulse
and Unit-step Signals 91
5.4.4 Response to Complex Exponential Input 92
5.5 System Stability 93
5.6 Realization of Continuous Systems 94
5.6.1 Decomposition of Higher-order Systems 94
5.6.2 Feedback Systems 95
5.7 Summary 96
Further Reading 97
Exercises 97
6 The Discrete Fourier Transform 101
6.1 The Time-domain and the Frequency-domain 101
6.2 Fourier Analysis 102
6.2.1 Versions of Fourier Analysis 104
6.3 The Discrete Fourier Transform 104
6.3.1 The Approximation of Arbitrary Waveforms with a Finite
Number of Samples 104
6.3.2 The DFT and the IDFT 105
6.3.3 DFT of Some Basic Signals 107
6.4 Properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform 110
6.4.1 Linearity 110
6.4.2 Periodicity 110
6.4.3 Circular Shift of a Sequence 110
6.4.4 Circular Shift of a Spectrum 111
6.4.5 Symmetry 111
6.4.6 Circular Convolution of Time-domain Sequences 112
viii Contents
6.4.7 Circular Convolution of Frequency-domain Sequences 113
6.4.8 Parseval’s Theorem 114
6.5 Applications of the Discrete Fourier Transform 114
6.5.1 Computation of the Linear Convolution Using the DFT 114
6.5.2 Interpolation and Decimation 115
6.6 Summary 119
Further Reading 119
Exercises 119
7 Fourier Series 123
7.1 Fourier Series 123
7.1.1 FS as the Limiting Case of the DFT 123
7.1.2 The Compact Trigonometric Form of the FS 125
7.1.3 The Trigonometric Form of the FS 126
7.1.4 Periodicity of the FS 126
7.1.5 Existence of the FS 126
7.1.6 Gibbs Phenomenon 130
7.2 Properties of the Fourier Series 132
7.2.1 Linearity 133
7.2.2 Symmetry 133
7.2.3 Time Shifting 135
7.2.4 Frequency Shifting 135
7.2.5 Convolution in the Time-domain 136
7.2.6 Convolution in the Frequency-domain 137
7.2.7 Duality 138
7.2.8 Time Scaling 138
7.2.9 Time Differentiation 139
7.2.10 Time Integration 140
7.2.11 Parseval’s Theorem 140
7.3 Approximation of the Fourier Series 141
7.3.1 Aliasing Effect 142
7.4 Applications of the Fourier Series 144
7.5 Summary 145
Further Reading 145
Exercises 145
8 The Discrete-time Fourier Transform 151
8.1 The Discrete-time Fourier Transform 151
8.1.1 The DTFT as the Limiting Case of the DFT 151
8.1.2 The Dual Relationship Between the DTFT and the FS 156
8.1.3 The DTFT of a Discrete Periodic Signal 158
8.1.4 Determination of the DFT from the DTFT 158


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