📘 ❞ The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية ❝ كتاب

كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية - 📖 كتاب ❞ The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية ❝ 📖

█ _ 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية ❝ 2024 بالعربية: من المصحف الشريف List of Chapters the Quran: Al Fatihah (The Opening) Al Baqarah Cow) Al Imran Family Amran) An Nisa Women) Maidah Food) Al Anam Cattle) Al Araf Elevated Places) Al Anfal (Voluntary Gifts) Al Baraat Immunity) Al Yunus (Jonah) Al Hud (Hud) Al Yusuf (Joseph) Al Rad Thunder) Al Ibrahim (Abraham) Al Hijr Rock) Al Nahl Bee) Bani Israil Israelites) Al Kahf Cave) Al Maryam (Mary) Ta Ha (Ta Ha) Al Anbiya Prophets) Al Hajj Pilgrimage) Al Muminun Believers) An Nur Light) Al Furqan Discrimination) Al Shuara Poets) Al Naml Naml) Al Qasas Narrative) Al Ankabut Spider) Ar Rum Romans) Luqman (Luqman) Al Sajdah Adoration) Al Ahzab Allies) Al Saba Saba) Al Fatir Originator) Ya Sin (Ya Sin) Al Saffat (Those Ranging in Ranks) Sad (Sad) Az Zumar Companies) Al Mumin Believer) Ha Mim (Ha Mim) Ash Shura (Counsel) Az Zukhruf (Gold) Ad Dukhan Drought) Al Jathiyah Kneeling) Al Ahqaf Sandhills) Muhammad (Muhammad) Al Fath Victory) Al Hujurat Apartments) Qaf (Qaf) Al Dhariyat Scatterers) At Tur Mountain) An Najm Star) Al Qamar Moon) Ar Rahman Beneficent) Al Waqiah Event) Al Hadid (Iron) Al Mujadilah Pleading Woman) Al Hashr Banishment) Al Mumtahanah Woman who is Examined) As Saff Ranks) Al Jumuah Congregation) Al Munafiqun Hypocrites) At Taghabun Manifestation Losses) At Talaq (Divorce) At Tahrim Prohibition) Al Mulk Kingdom) Al Qalam Pen) Al Haqqah Sure Truth) Al Maarij Ways Ascent) Nuh (Noah) Al Jinn Jinn) Al Muzzammil One Covering Himself) Al Muddaththir Wrapping Himself Up) Al Qiyamah Resurrection) Al Insan Man) Al Mursalat Sent Forth) An Naba Announcement) An Naziat Who Yearn) Abasa (He Frowned) At Takwir Folding Infitar Cleaving) At Tatfif (Default Duty) Al Inshiqaq Bursting Asunder) Al Buruj Stars) At Tariq Comer by Night) Al Ala Most High) Al Ghashiyah Overwhelming Fajr Daybreak) Al Balad City) Ash Shams Sun) Al Lail Night) Ad Duha Brightness Day) Al Inshirah Expansion) At Tin Fig) Al Alaq Clot) Al Qadr Majesty) Al Bayyinah Clear Evidence) Al Zilzal Shaking) Al Adiyat Assaulters) Al Qariah Calamity) At Takathur Abundance Wealth) Al Asr Time) Al Humazah Slanderer) Al Fil Elephant) Al Quraish Quraish) Al Maun (Acts Kindness) Al Kauthar Good) Al Kafirun Disbelievers) An Nasr Help) Al Lahab Flame) Al Ikhlas Unity) Al Falaq Dawn) An Nas Men) In name Allah, Beneficent, Merciful 1:1 Praise be to Lord worlds, 1:2 Merciful, 1:3 Master day Requital 1:4 Thee do we serve and beseech for help 1:5 Guide us on right path, 1:6 path those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favours, 1:7 Not wrath brought down, nor go astray In 2:1 I, am best Knower 2:2 This Book, there no doubt it, a guide keep their duty, 2:3 believe Unseen up prayer spend out what We have given them, 2:4 And that which has been revealed thee was before thee, Hereafter they are sure 2:5 These course from these it successful 2:6 Those disbelieve — being alike them whether thou warn or not will 2:7 Allah sealed hearts hearing; covering eyes, grievous chastisement كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية مجاناً PDF اونلاين Islamic holy books texts Muslims were authored God via various prophets throughout humanity's history All books, Muslim belief, promulgated code laws ordained people

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The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية

The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية

The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية

The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية

عن كتاب The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية:
The Holy Quran With English Translation (Including Voice To Each Verse القرآن الكريم بالعربية والإنجليزية مع القراءة الصوتية بالعربية من المصحف الشريف

List of Chapters of the Holy Quran:
Al-Fatihah (The Opening)
Al-Baqarah (The Cow)
Al-Imran (The Family of Amran)
An-Nisa (The Women)
Maidah (The Food)
Al-Anam (The Cattle)
Al-Araf (The Elevated Places)
Al-Anfal (Voluntary Gifts)
Al-Baraat (The Immunity)
Al-Yunus (Jonah)
Al-Hud (Hud)
Al-Yusuf (Joseph)
Al-Rad (The Thunder)
Al-Ibrahim (Abraham)
Al-Hijr (The Rock)
Al-Nahl (The Bee)
Bani Israil (The Israelites)
Al-Kahf (The Cave)
Al-Maryam (Mary)
Ta Ha (Ta Ha)
Al-Anbiya (The Prophets)
Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
Al-Muminun (The Believers)
An-Nur (The Light)
Al-Furqan (The Discrimination)
Al-Shuara (The Poets)
Al-Naml (The Naml)
Al-Qasas (The Narrative)
Al-Ankabut (The Spider)
Ar-Rum (The Romans)
Luqman (Luqman)
Al-Sajdah (The Adoration)
Al-Ahzab (The Allies)
Al-Saba (The Saba)
Al-Fatir (The Originator)
Ya Sin (Ya Sin)
Al-Saffat (Those Ranging in Ranks)
Sad (Sad)
Az-Zumar (The Companies)
Al-Mumin (The Believer)
Ha Mim (Ha Mim)
Ash-Shura (Counsel)
Az-Zukhruf (Gold)
Ad-Dukhan (The Drought)
Al-Jathiyah (The Kneeling)
Al-Ahqaf (The Sandhills)
Muhammad (Muhammad)
Al-Fath (The Victory)
Al-Hujurat (The Apartments)
Qaf (Qaf)
Al-Dhariyat (The Scatterers)
At-Tur (The Mountain)
An-Najm (The Star)
Al-Qamar (The Moon)
Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent)
Al-Waqiah (The Event)
Al-Hadid (Iron)
Al-Mujadilah (The Pleading Woman)
Al-Hashr (The Banishment)
Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman who is Examined)
As-Saff (The Ranks)
Al-Jumuah (The Congregation)
Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites)
At-Taghabun (The Manifestation of Losses)
At-Talaq (Divorce)
At-Tahrim (The Prohibition)
Al-Mulk (The Kingdom)
Al-Qalam (The Pen)
Al-Haqqah (The Sure Truth)
Al-Maarij (The Ways of Ascent)
Nuh (Noah)
Al-Jinn (The Jinn)
Al-Muzzammil (The One Covering Himself)
Al-Muddaththir (The One Wrapping Himself Up)
Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
Al-Insan (The Man)
Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth)
An-Naba (The Announcement)
An-Naziat (Those Who Yearn)
Abasa (He Frowned)
At-Takwir (The Folding Up)
Al-Infitar (The Cleaving)
At-Tatfif (Default in Duty)
Al-Inshiqaq (The Bursting Asunder)
Al-Buruj (The Stars)
At-Tariq (The Comer by Night)
Al-Ala (The Most High)
Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming Event)
Al-Fajr (The Daybreak)
Al-Balad (The City)
Ash-Shams (The Sun)
Al-Lail (The Night)
Ad-Duha (The Brightness of the Day)
Al-Inshirah (The Expansion)
At-Tin (The Fig)
Al-Alaq (The Clot)
Al-Qadr (The Majesty)
Al-Bayyinah (The Clear Evidence)
Al-Zilzal (The Shaking)
Al-Adiyat (The Assaulters)
Al-Qariah (The Calamity)
At-Takathur (The Abundance of Wealth)
Al-Asr (The Time)
Al-Humazah (The Slanderer)
Al-Fil (The Elephant)
Al-Quraish (The Quraish)
Al-Maun (Acts of Kindness)
Al-Kauthar (The Abundance of Good)
Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)
An-Nasr (The Help)
Al-Lahab (The Flame)
Al-Ikhlas (The Unity)
Al-Falaq (The Dawn)
An-Nas (The Men)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1:1 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,

1:2 The Beneficent, the Merciful,

1:3 Master of the day of Requital.

1:4 Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help.

1:5 Guide us on the right path,

1:6 The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favours,

1:7 Not those upon whom wrath is brought down, nor those who go astray.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

2:1 I, Allah, am the best Knower.

2:2 This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty,

2:3 Who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them,

2:4 And who believe in that which has been revealed to thee and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure.

2:5 These are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that are successful.

2:6 Those who disbelieve — it being alike to them whether thou warn them or warn them not — they will not believe.

2:7 Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing; and there is a covering on their eyes, and for them is a grievous chastisement.



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