[ملخصات] 📘 ❞ Anthology of English Poetry ❝ كتاب ــ WILLIAM BLAKE اصدار 1757

الشعر Poetry - 📖 ملخصات كتاب ❞ Anthology of English Poetry ❝ ــ WILLIAM BLAKE 📖

█ _ WILLIAM BLAKE 1757 حصريا كتاب ❞ Anthology of English Poetry ❝ 2024 Poetry: Poetry Blake's father was a London haberdasher His only formal education was in art: at the age often he entered drawing school and later studied for a time Royal Academy Arts At fourteen he was apprenticed to well known engraver, James Basire, from whom he learned technique illuminated printing further developed used his major works emphasize mythical quality of his writing earliest poems are contained Poetical Sketches published in 1783 In 1789 engraved Songs oflnnocence^ which he first showed mystical cast mind 1790 prose work, The Ma mage Heaven Hell other work, of Experience (1794) is contrast with oflnnocence brightness of the earlier work gives place sense gloom mystery, power of evil death Blake litde as an artist almost entirely unknown poet Blake's express ideas feelings which are result intense probing into source own being and character He uses symbols, startling forms methods Apart his lyrics wrote number prophetic books concerned the spiritual political history man vividly illuminating, and symbols provide expression wisdom spiritual health الشعر مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي العديدمن المصادر التي تختص بالشعر وعلومه يصعب تعريف بطريقة تشمل أنواعه مختلف اللغات لكن هناك عدد من التعريفات قد تعطي معنى متكاملاً عن ماهية عُرّف بأنه كلام موزون مقفىّ (للشعر العربي) دالٌ ويكون أكثر بيت ويشمل التعريف النظم وقال بعضهم: هو الكلام الذي قصد إلى وزنه وتقفيته قصداً أولياً فأما ما جاء عفو الخاطر لم يقصد به فلا يقال له شعر وإن كان موزونا وقد عرفه ابن خلدون بأنه: «هو البليغ المبني الاستعارة والأوصاف المفصل بأجزاء متفقة الوزن والروي مستقل كل جزء منها غرضه ومقصده عما قبله وبعده الجاري أساليب العرب المخصوصة به» الشعر: شكل أشكال الفن الأدبي اللغة تستخدم الجمالية والصفات بالإضافة أو بدلاً الموضوع الواضح تكون كتابة بشكل وقصائد متميزة تحدث جنبا جنب مع الفنون الأخرى كما الدراما الشعرية التراتيل النصوص النثر أما الناحية المعنوية فإن العِلم Poetry (derived Greek poiesis, "making") form literature that aesthetic rhythmic qualities language—such phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, metre—to evoke meanings addition to, or of, prosaic ostensible meaning has long dating back prehistoric times hunting poetry Africa, panegyric elegiac court empires Nile, Niger, Volta River valleys Some written Africa found among Pyramid Texts during 25th century BCE Western Asian epic poetry, Epic Gilgamesh, Sumerian Early Eurasian continent evolved folk songs such Chinese Shijing; need retell oral epics, Sanskrit Vedas, Zoroastrian Gathas, Homeric Iliad Odyssey Ancient attempts define Aristotle's Poetics, focused on speech rhetoric, drama, song, comedy Later concentrated features repetition, verse form, rhyme, emphasized aesthetics distinguish more objectively informative

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Anthology of English Poetry

Anthology of English Poetry


صدر 1757م
Anthology of English Poetry

Anthology of English Poetry


صدر 1757م
عن كتاب Anthology of English Poetry:
Anthology of English Poetry

Blake's father was a London haberdasher. His only formal education
was in art: at the age often he entered a drawing school and later studied for
a time at the school of the Royal Academy of Arts. At the age of fourteen he
was apprenticed to a well-known engraver, James Basire, from whom he
learned the technique of illuminated printing - a technique he further
developed and used in his major works to emphasize the mythical quality of
his writing. His earliest poems are contained in Poetical Sketches published in
1783. In 1789 he engraved and published his Songs oflnnocence^ in which he
first showed the mystical cast of his mind. In 1790 he engraved his prose
work, The Ma/mage of Heaven and Hell. His other major work, the Songs of
Experience (1794) is in contrast with the Songs oflnnocence. The brightness of
the earlier work gives place to a sense of gloom and mystery, and the power
of evil. At the time of his death Blake was litde known as an artist and almost
entirely unknown as a poet. Blake's poems express ideas and feelings which
are the result of an intense probing into the source of his own being and
character. He uses symbols, startling forms and methods. Apart from his
lyrics he wrote a number of prophetic books which are concerned which the
spiritual and political history of man. His poems are vividly illuminating,
and his symbols provide an expression of wisdom and spiritual health.


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