رواية زائر من بعد أخر About the novel A visitor novel from another dimension pdf... 💬 أقوال ادوارد تى هول 📖 كتاب البعد الخفى

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█ رواية زائر من بعد أخر About the novel A visitor novel from another dimension pdf by Mahmoud Omar Muhammad Juma You may have heard one day about strange bodies flying over our planet, and there are many stories matter, did your curiosity pique matter before? Why do we only believe that ones who live in this vast universe? Different worlds an extended universe, will it be limited to humans? Didn 't thoughts take you search explore secrets of universe creatures contains? Have ever seen pictures satellite dishes, or them a news bulletin? It is possible citizens outside borders planet possessing intelligent life forms civilizations more advanced than ours, they seek communicate with us, content themselves observing as alien us Jordanian writer كتاب البعد الخفى مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 نبذة عن الكتاب : يحب الناس أن يحافظوا مسافات بين أنفسهم وبين الأخرين أو الأشياء وهذه الفقاعة الخفية الحيز التي تشكل "اقليم" كل شخص هي أحد الأبعاد الرئيسية للمجتمع المعاصر يقدم (ادوارد تي هول) مؤلف "اللغة الصامتة " علم البروكسيميكس ليوضح كيف يمكن لاستخدام الانسان للحيز يؤثر العلاقات الشخصية وفي علاقات العمل تفاعلات معالجة عدة ثقافات فن العمارة وتخطيط المدن وتجديد الأحياء الحضرية لبعد الخفي ليس مقدار ثابت لكنه يتغير بتغير الظروف والأشخاص فمثلاً مدى مكان عام "منتزه مثلاً" العائلة يكون ضيق ولكن نلاحظ اتساعه وناس غرباء لا إرادياً ( يختلف أكثر المجتمعات فنلاحظ العربية واسع الغرباء بعكس الغربية)

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❞ رواية زائر من بعد أخر

About the novel

A visitor novel from another dimension pdf by Mahmoud Omar Muhammad Juma .. You may have heard one day about strange bodies flying over our planet, and there are many stories about the matter, did your curiosity pique the matter before? Why do we only believe that we are the only ones who live in this vast universe? Different worlds and an extended universe, will it be limited to humans? Didn\\\'t your thoughts take you one day to search and explore the secrets of the universe and the strange creatures it contains? Have you ever seen pictures of satellite dishes, or heard about them in a news bulletin? It is possible that there are citizens outside the borders of our planet possessing intelligent life forms and civilizations more advanced than ours, and they seek to communicate with us, or they may content themselves with observing us, we are as alien to them as they are to us. ...... Jordanian writer Mahmoud Juma. ❝

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