❞ مبروك عليكم السنة الهجرية (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
ينبغي على المسلم أن يهتم و يعضم التقويم الهجري القمري ، لأنه خاص بأمة الإسلام وضابطه هجرة نبينا عليه الصلاة والسلام ، فكل أمة تحترم نفسها فإنها تعظم تراثها لأن هذا ينشأ المجد والعزة في نفوس أبناءها و يقوي الإنتماء لدينها .
Congratulations on the new Hijri year!
It is important for Muslims to pay attention to and value the lunar Hijri calendar because it is specific to the Islamic nation and it is based on the migration of our Prophet (peace be upon him). Every nation that respects itself honors its heritage because this fosters pride and dignity in the hearts of its people and strengthens their affiliation with their religion. This tweet was written by Sheikh Hisham El-Mehdioubi Al-Marakechi.
#السنة_الهجرية #التقويم_الهجري #الإسلام #الهجرة_النبوية #التراث #الإنتماء #العزة #المجد #الشيخ_هشام_المحجوبي_المراكشي
#HijriYear #HijriCalendar #Islam #ProphetMigration #Heritage #Belonging #Dignity #Pride #SheikhHishamElMehdioubiAlMarakechi. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ مبروك عليكم السنة الهجرية (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
ينبغي على المسلم أن يهتم و يعضم التقويم الهجري القمري ، لأنه خاص بأمة الإسلام وضابطه هجرة نبينا عليه الصلاة والسلام ، فكل أمة تحترم نفسها فإنها تعظم تراثها لأن هذا ينشأ المجد والعزة في نفوس أبناءها و يقوي الإنتماء لدينها .
Congratulations on the new Hijri year!
It is important for Muslims to pay attention to and value the lunar Hijri calendar because it is specific to the Islamic nation and it is based on the migration of our Prophet (peace be upon him). Every nation that respects itself honors its heritage because this fosters pride and dignity in the hearts of its people and strengthens their affiliation with their religion. This tweet was written by Sheikh Hisham El-Mehdioubi Al-Marakechi.
❞ المعنى الحيقيقي للتخلف (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ان من المفاهيم الخاطئة التي ترسخت في ذهن الانسان المعاصر مفهوم التخلف و معنى هذا المفهوم الخاطئ عدم مواكبة قيم الغرب و تطوره المادي . بعد ذهاب مكياج الغرب و لمعانه المتوهم ضهر على وجهه الحقيقي لجميع العالم وجه اناني جشع منافق لا يشبع من امتصاص دماء الضعفاء حتى في الغرب نفسه هذه الحقيقة اعادتنا الى المعنى الحيقيقي للتخلف و هو عدم مواكبة قيم الاسلام الذي انزله الله لنفع الانسان و دفع البلاء عنه في الدنيا و الآخرة . و يدخل في المفهوم الحقيقي للتخلف الضعف في وعي الواقع على حقيقته . فكل انسان لا يعي الحقيقة فهو متخلف .
The true meaning of backwardness (Sheikh Hisham Al-Mahjoubi)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
One of the misconceptions that has been ingrained in the minds of contemporary people is the concept of backwardness and its misguided meaning, which is the failure to keep up with Western values and material development. After the facade and false glitter of the West have faded, the true face of the world has emerged, revealing its selfish, greedy, and hypocritical nature that is never satisfied with devouring the weak, even within the West itself. This reality has brought us back to the true meaning of backwardness, which is the failure to adhere to the values of Islam that Allah has revealed for the benefit of humanity and to ward off calamities in this world and the hereafter. The true meaning of backwardness also includes a weakness in understanding the reality as it truly is. Therefore, anyone who does not comprehend the truth is considered backward.
#backwardness #تخلف
Translation in English with Arabic and English hashtags:
The true meaning of backwardness (Sheikh Hisham Al-Mahjoubi)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
One of the misconceptions that has been ingrained in the minds of contemporary people is the concept of backwardness and its misguided meaning, which is the failure to keep up with Western values and material development. After the facade and false glitter of the West have faded, the true face of the world has emerged, revealing its selfish, greedy, and hypocritical nature that is never satisfied with devouring the weak, even within the West itself. This reality has brought us back to the true meaning of backwardness, which is the failure to adhere to the values of Islam that Allah has revealed for the benefit of humanity and to ward off calamities in this world and the hereafter. The true meaning of backwardness also includes a weakness in understanding the reality as it truly is. Therefore, anyone who does not comprehend the truth is considered backward.
#backwardness #تخلف. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ المعنى الحيقيقي للتخلف (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ان من المفاهيم الخاطئة التي ترسخت في ذهن الانسان المعاصر مفهوم التخلف و معنى هذا المفهوم الخاطئ عدم مواكبة قيم الغرب و تطوره المادي . بعد ذهاب مكياج الغرب و لمعانه المتوهم ضهر على وجهه الحقيقي لجميع العالم وجه اناني جشع منافق لا يشبع من امتصاص دماء الضعفاء حتى في الغرب نفسه هذه الحقيقة اعادتنا الى المعنى الحيقيقي للتخلف و هو عدم مواكبة قيم الاسلام الذي انزله الله لنفع الانسان و دفع البلاء عنه في الدنيا و الآخرة . و يدخل في المفهوم الحقيقي للتخلف الضعف في وعي الواقع على حقيقته . فكل انسان لا يعي الحقيقة فهو متخلف .
The true meaning of backwardness (Sheikh Hisham Al-Mahjoubi)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
One of the misconceptions that has been ingrained in the minds of contemporary people is the concept of backwardness and its misguided meaning, which is the failure to keep up with Western values and material development. After the facade and false glitter of the West have faded, the true face of the world has emerged, revealing its selfish, greedy, and hypocritical nature that is never satisfied with devouring the weak, even within the West itself. This reality has brought us back to the true meaning of backwardness, which is the failure to adhere to the values of Islam that Allah has revealed for the benefit of humanity and to ward off calamities in this world and the hereafter. The true meaning of backwardness also includes a weakness in understanding the reality as it truly is. Therefore, anyone who does not comprehend the truth is considered backward.
Translation in English with Arabic and English hashtags:
The true meaning of backwardness (Sheikh Hisham Al-Mahjoubi)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
One of the misconceptions that has been ingrained in the minds of contemporary people is the concept of backwardness and its misguided meaning, which is the failure to keep up with Western values and material development. After the facade and false glitter of the West have faded, the true face of the world has emerged, revealing its selfish, greedy, and hypocritical nature that is never satisfied with devouring the weak, even within the West itself. This reality has brought us back to the true meaning of backwardness, which is the failure to adhere to the values of Islam that Allah has revealed for the benefit of humanity and to ward off calamities in this world and the hereafter. The true meaning of backwardness also includes a weakness in understanding the reality as it truly is. Therefore, anyone who does not comprehend the truth is considered backward.
❞ أصول الفقه من صفحتي في Threads
الأصل الشرعي الأول القرآن الكريم (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
الدليل الأول بإجماع الأصوليين و الفقهاء هو القرآن الكريم و هو لغةً المقروء أو المجموع و شرعا هو كلام الله المعصوم المتواتر في نقله المتعبد بتلاوته و له عدة صفات
اولا: هو كلام الله
ثانيا: هو معصوم اي يستحيل في حقه الخطأ أو الضياع
ثالثا: المتواتر اي نقله جمع كثير عن جمع كثير الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
رابعا: المتعبد بتلاوته اي قراءته عبادة
تنبيه: \"كل رواية عن الله لم تتوفر فيها هذه الشروط فليست بقرآن\"
The first fundamental source in Islamic jurisprudence is the Noble Quran (Sheikh Hisham El Mehdioubi).
The primary evidence, agreed upon by scholars of principles and jurisprudence, is the Noble Quran. Linguistically, it refers to the recited or compiled text, and legally, it is the speech of Allah that is protected from any error or loss. It possesses several qualities:
Firstly, it is the speech of Allah.
Secondly, it is protected from any error or omission.
Thirdly, it is transmitted through numerous chains to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Fourthly, reciting it is an act of worship.
Note: \"Any narration about Allah that does not fulfill these conditions is not considered as part of the Quran.\"
Note: \"Any narration attributed to Allah that does not meet these conditions is not considered part of the Quran.\"
#أصول_الفقه #القرآن_الكريم #الشيخ_هشام_المحجوبي
#UsulAlFiqh #NobleQuran #SheikhHishamElMehdioubi. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ أصول الفقه من صفحتي في Threads
الأصل الشرعي الأول القرآن الكريم (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
الدليل الأول بإجماع الأصوليين و الفقهاء هو القرآن الكريم و هو لغةً المقروء أو المجموع و شرعا هو كلام الله المعصوم المتواتر في نقله المتعبد بتلاوته و له عدة صفات
اولا: هو كلام الله
ثانيا: هو معصوم اي يستحيل في حقه الخطأ أو الضياع
ثالثا: المتواتر اي نقله جمع كثير عن جمع كثير الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
رابعا: المتعبد بتلاوته اي قراءته عبادة
تنبيه: ˝كل رواية عن الله لم تتوفر فيها هذه الشروط فليست بقرآن˝
The first fundamental source in Islamic jurisprudence is the Noble Quran (Sheikh Hisham El Mehdioubi).
The primary evidence, agreed upon by scholars of principles and jurisprudence, is the Noble Quran. Linguistically, it refers to the recited or compiled text, and legally, it is the speech of Allah that is protected from any error or loss. It possesses several qualities:
Firstly, it is the speech of Allah.
Secondly, it is protected from any error or omission.
Thirdly, it is transmitted through numerous chains to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Fourthly, reciting it is an act of worship.
Note: ˝Any narration about Allah that does not fulfill these conditions is not considered as part of the Quran.˝
Note: ˝Any narration attributed to Allah that does not meet these conditions is not considered part of the Quran.˝