Book Putting Things In Perspective How Goals And Values Shape The Experience Of Emotion 💬 أقوال أم كلثوم الزبيدي 📖 بحث أكاديمي Putting things in perspective How goals and values shape the experience of emotion

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█ Book Putting Things In Perspective How Goals And Values Shape The Experience Of Emotion كتاب things in perspective goals and values shape the experience of emotion مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 ترتيب الأمور بشكل صحيح كيف تؤثر الأهداف والقيم العواطف emotion أصل هذا الكتاب رسالة علمية نالت بها المؤلفة درجة الدكتوراة علم النفس من كلية وعلوم اللغة الإكلينيكية بجامعة ريدنيق المملكة المتحدة عام ٢٠٢٢ كان الهدف مِن الدِّراسات فِي هَذِه الأطْروحة هُو دِراسة مَا إِذَا كان التَّذْكير بِالْقِيم والْأهْداف يَسمَح لِلنَّاس بِوَضع الضُّغوطات منْظورهَا اَلصحِيح وبالتَّالي تَقلِيل التَّوَتُّر اِخْتبَرتْ الدِّراسة اَلأُولى مَنْح المشاركين فُرصَة لِتأْكِيد الذَّات وَهُو يَعنِي تذْكيرهم بِقيم مُهمَّة بِخلاف التَّحْفيز اَلمُسبب لِلتَّوَتُّر يُقلِّل أَهَميَّة الضَّغْط ويجْعلهم يرْغبون تَنظِيم إِجْهادهم الثَّانية تمَّ تَذكِير بِالْأهْداف اَلمهِمة ( مُقَابِل الأهْداف الأقلِّ أو عدم وُجُود ) لِتحْدِيد تُقلِّل اِسْتجابات أخيرًا الثَّالثة طلب وَضْع عَامِل مَنظُوره … للدكتورة : أم كلثوم الزبيدي اصدارات التجمع العربي للطباعة والنشر والتسويق ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Book emotion The origin this book is a scientific dissertation which author obtained PhD degree Psychology from School Clinical Language Sciences at University Reading Unitd Kingdom 2022 Dr Umkalthoom Hamed Alzubaidi One publications Arab Printing, Publishing Marketing Association

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Book Putting Things In Perspective How Goals And Values Shape The Experience Of Emotion

Qr Code Book Putting things in perspective How goals and values shape the experience of emotion
Book Putting Things In Perspective How Goals And Values Shape The Experience Of Emotion
مؤلف: Dr. Umkalthoom Hamed Alzubaidi
قسم: علم النفس اللغوي والاجتماعي
اللغة: الإنجليزية

Qr Code Book Putting things in perspective How goals and values shape the experience of emotion Book Putting Things In Perspective How Goals And Values Shape The Experience Of Emotion مؤلف: Dr. Umkalthoom Hamed Alzubaidi قسم: علم النفس اللغوي والاجتماعي اللغة: الإنجليزية

Putting things in perspective, goals and values play a significant role in shaping the experience of emotion. Our goals represent the desired outcomes we strive for, while our values reflect our deeply held beliefs and principles. Both of these aspects influence how we perceive and respond emotionally to various situations. Here's a closer look at how goals and values shape our emotional experiences:

Goal Alignment and Emotional Well-being: When our goals align with our values, we experience a sense of coherence and fulfillment. For example, if one of our values is personal growth, and we set goals that challenge us and promote self-improvement, we are more likely to experience positive emotions such as excitement and pride as we progress towards those goals. The alignment between our goals and values provides a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Goal Obstacles and Emotional Resilience: The pursuit of goals often involves encountering obstacles and setbacks. How we emotionally respond to these challenges is influenced by our values. If we value perseverance and resilience, we are more likely to view obstacles as temporary roadblocks rather than insurmountable barriers. This mindset can help us maintain emotional resilience and bounce back from adversity, experiencing emotions such as determination and optimism.

Values-Based Decision-Making and Emotional Authenticity: Our values guide our decision-making process, and the choices we make have emotional consequences. When we make decisions that align with our values, we experience a sense of integrity and authenticity. Being true to ourselves and living in accordance with our values can lead to emotional well-being and a sense of inner harmony.

Conflicting Goals and Emotional Conflict: Sometimes, our goals and values may come into conflict with each other. This can lead to emotional turmoil as we navigate the tension between different priorities. For example, if we value both career success and work-life balance, we may experience emotional conflict when faced with choices that require compromising one for the other. Such conflicts can trigger emotions such as guilt, anxiety, or frustration.
Reevaluation of Goals and Emotional Growth: As we evolve and grow, our goals and values may undergo changes. Reevaluating and realigning our goals with our evolving values can lead to emotional growth and a deeper sense of fulfillment. This process may involve letting go of certain goals that no longer resonate with our values and pursuing new ones that align better with our authentic selves.

In summary, goals and values intertwine to shape our emotional experiences. When our goals align with our values, we tend to experience positive emotions and a sense of purpose. However, conflicts between goals and values can give rise to emotional challenges. By understanding the interplay between goals, values, and emotions, we can make conscious choices that promote emotional well-being and personal growth.
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