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█ كتاب The Razor's Edge مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 Edge 25 February 1987 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Question 1 BELOVED OSHO, ALL DAY, I HAVE THIS MELTED SENSATION LIKE SOMETHING INIDE ME DISSOLVING IN THE GLOW OF YOUR LOVE DISCOURSE COMES AND IT JUST EXPANDS TO FILL THE SILENCE, LEAVING A BREATHING HEART PAIR EARS HANGING FROM NOWHERE FEELS LIKE BEING AN ORGASM OH OSHO, ARE YOU EVEN TURNING DARK NIGHT THE SOUL INTO LIGHT SOUL? Prem Amrito, it is exactly the definition of mysticism: transformation dark night soul into a light soul It my work and your work, too All these people who have gathered here are search light, life, love, laughter; all divine qualities been destroyed by centuries exploitation – by kinds priests, bureaucrats, politicians, those some kind power But they not successful destroying you They only suppressing you; killed you, poisoned And poison can be taken out, and you become alive again – which birthright You saying, ”All day, this melted sensation ” This beginning disappearing – disappearing into whole First, will feel just as if melting, ice melting ”like something inside me dissolving glow love ”

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W. Somerset Maugham

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