اقتباس 2 من كتاب Breakfast at Tiffany's 💬 أقوال Truman Capote 📖 قصة Breakfast at Tiffany's

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█ كتاب Breakfast at Tiffany's مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2024 Tiffany's Sid Arbuck: Hey! Hey, baby, what’s going on here? Holly Golightly: Oh, hi Mr Yunioshi: Miss Gorightly! Someday someday! Gorightly! Sid What happened to you anyway You take off for the powder room That’s last I see Holly Now, really, Harry Sid was other guy I’m Sid Arbuck like me, remember? Mr protest! Holly darling, am sorry, but lost my key But, that two weeks ago cannot go keep ringing my bell disturb me must have a made! Holly But it won’t do any good lose them all Come on, baby know worship you, Mr Good night, Wait minute! is this? liked You like me, Didn’t picked up check five people— your friends, never seen before When asked change the powder room, what did give you? $50 bill Now doesn’t give me some rights?

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات

Truman Capote

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