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█ كتاب A Journey to the Center of Earth مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2025 Earth Introduction general : This novel is considered one best novels for reader, and he will enjoy it dive into depths its interesting events JULES VERNE was born in Nantes 1828, eldest five children a prosperous family French, Breton, Scottish ancestry His early years were happy, apart from an unfulfilled passion his cousin Caroline Literature always attracted him while taking a law degree Paris wrote number plays first book, about journey Scotland, was not published during lifetime However, 1862, Five Weeks a Balloon accepted by publisher Hetzel, becoming immediate success It followed Centre Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues under Seas, Around World Eighty Days, and sixty other novels, covering whole world (and below beyond) Verne himself travelled over three continents, before suddenly selling his yacht 1886 Eight books appeared after death 1905— although they fact written partly son Michel

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