اقتباس 1 من كتاب Alices adventures in wonderland 💬 أقوال Lewis Carroll 📖 قصة Alices adventures in wonderland

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█ كتاب Alices adventures in wonderland مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2025 wonderland CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE 1 II POOL OF TEARS 15 III A CAUCUS RACE AND LONG TALE 29 IV SENDS IN LITTLE BILL 41 V ADVICE FROM CATERPILLAR 59 VI PIG PEPPER 67 VII MAD TEA PARTY 95 VIII QUEEN’S CROQUET GROUND 112 IX MOCK TURTLE’S STORY 130 X LOBSTER QUADRILLE 147 XI WHO STOLE TARTS? 162 XII ALICE’S EVIDENCE 176 CHAPTER I DOWN ALICE was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing do: once or twice she had peeped into the book reading, but it no pictures conversations it

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Lewis Carroll

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