Today we earn more money than our mothers did, at jobs they never dreamed of doing. We are less... 💬 أقوال ميريديث ماران 📖 كتاب Notes from an Incomplete Revolution Real Life Since Feminism

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█ Today we earn more money than our mothers did, at jobs they never dreamed of doing We are less likely to stay in unhappy marriages, bear unwanted children But have achieved what set out accomplish? Do women whether 're twenty or forty sixty feel control their lives? Has feminism made us fulfilled relationships with men and each other? كتاب Notes from an Incomplete Revolution Real Life Since Feminism مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2025 What had mind, when my friends I threw away bras, was power wanted the world widen respect, higher wages, better marriages mothers', bigger lives any generation ever known " "We big plans for men, too The optimistic among envisioned a new breed who would cook cry, go therapy diaper babies, assist achieving multiple orgasms so deserved, then pop bed clean bathroom "

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