[اقتباسات] 📘 ❞ Touched With Fire ❝ كتاب ــ كاي ردفيلد جاميسون اصدار 1996

كتب الادب الانجليزى - 📖 اقتباسات كتاب ❞ Touched With Fire ❝ ــ كاي ردفيلد جاميسون 📖

█ _ كاي ردفيلد جاميسون 1996 حصريا كتاب ❞ Touched With Fire ❝ 2024 Fire: One of the foremost psychologists in America, “Kay Jamison is plainly among few who have a profound understanding relationship that exists between art and madness” (William Styron) The anguished volatile intensity associated with artistic temperament was once thought to be symptom genius or eccentricity peculiar artists, writers, musicians Her work, based on her study as clinical psychologist researcher mood disorders, reveals many artists subject exalted highs despairing lows were fact engaged struggle clinically identifiable manic depressive illness Jamison presents proof biological foundations this disease applies what known about lives works some world's greatest including Lord Byron, Vincent Van Gogh, Virginia Woolf كتب الادب الانجليزى مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل الاقسام الفرعية التي تحتوي علي لأدب الإنجليزي (بالإنجليزية: English literature) وهو ما يكتبه الكُتَّاب من إنجلترا وأسكتلندا وويلز باللغة الإنجليزية مجالات الشعر والنثر والمسرحية أدب غني بالروائع مختلف المجالات الأدبية كما أنه أقدم الآداب الغربية This section includes sub sections contain literature, which written by writers from England, Scotland Wales language poetry, prose drama areas ,

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Touched With Fire

Touched With Fire

ــ كاي ردفيلد جاميسون

صدر 1996م
Touched With Fire

Touched With Fire

ــ كاي ردفيلد جاميسون

صدر 1996م
عن كتاب Touched With Fire:
One of the foremost psychologists in America, “Kay Jamison is plainly among the few who have a profound understanding of the relationship that exists between art and madness” (William Styron).

The anguished and volatile intensity associated with the artistic temperament was once thought to be a symptom of genius or eccentricity peculiar to artists, writers, and musicians. Her work, based on her study as a clinical psychologist and researcher in mood disorders, reveals that many artists subject to exalted highs and despairing lows were in fact engaged in a struggle with clinically identifiable manic-depressive illness.

Jamison presents proof of the biological foundations of this disease and applies what is known about the illness to the lives and works of some of the world's greatest artists including Lord Byron, Vincent Van Gogh, and Virginia Woolf


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