[اقتباسات] 📘 ❞ News from Somewhere: On Settling ❝ كتاب ــ روجر سكروتون اصدار 2006

فكر وثقافة - 📖 اقتباسات كتاب ❞ News from Somewhere: On Settling ❝ ــ روجر سكروتون 📖

█ _ روجر سكروتون 2006 حصريا كتاب ❞ News from Somewhere: On Settling ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Settling: For a number of years Roger Scruton has contributed weekly article to the Financial Times on country matters Always beautifully written, one these pieces (Vegetables) won 2002 prize The Queen's English Society for best piece prose writing year These are not sentimental bucolic rambles Scruton's is devoid sentimentality and soggy nostalgia Whatever he writes about, always with serious purpose He speaks up dweller who sees his or her world eroded by wishy washy liberal commands Blairite do gooders sit their backsides in North West London pontificating about needs people Nature being red tooth claw something that only know sitting classroom Farming issues equally important this book devastations foot mouth crisis showed graphically how great divide between town dwellers And when fate countryside decided bureaucrats Brussels Strasbourg, feeling alienation even greater causes Professor espouses become most intelligent, articulate clear thinking advocate فكر وثقافة مجاناً PDF اونلاين الثقافة تعني صقل النفس والمنطق والفطانة حيث أن المثقف يقوم نفسه بتعلم أمور جديدة كما هو حال القلم عندما يتم بريه هذا القسم يشمل العديدة من الكتب المتميزة الفكر والثقافة تتعدّد المعاني التي ترمي إليها اللغة العربية فهي ترجِع أصلها إلى الفعل الثلاثي ثقُفَ الذي يعني الذكاء والفطنة وسرعة التعلم والحذق والتهذيب وتسوية الشيء وإقامة اعوجاجه والعلم والفنون والتعليم والمعارف

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News from Somewhere: On Settling

News from Somewhere: On Settling

ــ روجر سكروتون

صدر 2006م
News from Somewhere: On Settling

News from Somewhere: On Settling

ــ روجر سكروتون

صدر 2006م
عن كتاب News from Somewhere: On Settling:
For a number of years Roger Scruton has contributed a weekly article to the Financial Times on country matters. Always beautifully written, one of these pieces (Vegetables) won the 2002 prize from The Queen's English Society for the best piece of prose writing of the year. These are not sentimental bucolic rambles. Scruton's prose is devoid of sentimentality and soggy nostalgia. Whatever he writes about, he always writes with serious purpose. He speaks up for the country dweller who sees his or her world eroded by the wishy-washy liberal commands of Blairite do-gooders who sit on their backsides in North West London pontificating about the needs of country people. Nature being red in tooth and claw is something that these people only know about from sitting in a classroom. Farming issues are equally important in this book. The devastations of the foot and mouth crisis showed graphically how great is the divide between town and country dwellers. And when the fate of people in the countryside is decided by bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg, their feeling of alienation is even greater. These are the causes that Professor Scruton espouses and he has become their most intelligent, articulate and clear-thinking advocate.


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104 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9780826490919 .
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