📘 ❞ The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels est The Picture of Dorian Gray An Ideal Husband Lady Windermere's Fan A Woman of No Importance ❝ كتاب ــ أوسكار وايلد اصدار 2019

قصص وروايات عالمية - 📖 كتاب ❞ The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels est The Picture of Dorian Gray An Ideal Husband Lady Windermere's Fan A Woman of No Importance ❝ ــ أوسكار وايلد 📖

█ _ أوسكار وايلد 2019 حصريا كتاب ❞ The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Novels: This is a bibliography of works by Wilde, late Victorian Irish writer Chiefly remembered today as playwright, especially for Importance Being Earnest, and the author Picture Dorian Gray; Wilde's oeuvre includes criticism, poetry, children's fiction, large selection reviews, lectures journalism His private correspondence has also been published Gray Gothic philosophical novel first complete in July 1890 issue Lippincott's Monthly Magazine Fearing story was indecent, magazine's editor deleted roughly five hundred words before publication without knowledge Despite that censorship, offended moral sensibilities British book reviewers, some whom said merited prosecution violating laws guarding public morality In response, aggressively defended his art with press, although he personally made excisions most controversial material when revising lengthening following year Lady Windermere's Fan, A Play About Good Woman four act comedy performed on Saturday, 20 February 1892, at St James's Theatre London No play playwright premired 19 April 1893 London's Haymarket Like other society plays, it satirizes English upper class It stages Europe North America since death 1900 An Ideal Husband an 1895 comedic stage which revolves around blackmail political corruption, touches themes honour action set London, "the present", takes place over course twenty hours The Trivial Comedy Serious People First 14 farcical protagonists maintain fictitious personto escape burdensome social obligations Working within conventions play's major are triviality treats institutions serious marriage, resulting satire ways Some contemporary reviews praised humour culmination artistic career, while others were cautious about its lack messages Its high farce witty dialogue have helped make Earnest enduringly popular قصص وروايات عالمية مجاناً PDF اونلاين رواية القصص هي نقل الأحداث بالكلمات والصور وغالباً ما يكون ذلك ارتجالاً أو بتجميل تشارك القصة الثقافات المختلفة كوسيلة ترفيه تعليم لحفظ التراث الثقافي وغرس القيم المعنوية العناصر الحاسمة ورواية الشخصيات الخيالية والحبكة ووجهات النظر الأدبية رواية تسبق الكتابة فقد كانت الأشكال الأولى لرواية عبارة شفوية مع الإيماءات والتعابير الجسدية كما أنها جزءاً من الطقوس الدينية؛ اعتبر الفن الصخري شكل أشكال عدد القديمة رسم سكان أستراليا الأصليون رموزاً جدران الكهوف كوسائل لمساعدة الرواة تذكر ثم رويت بعد باستخدم مزيج السرد الشفوي والموسيقى والفن والرقص وقد ساعد هذا الأسلوب فهم معنى الوجود الإنساني خلال وروايتها استخدم الإنسان وسيلة النحت جذوع الأشجار الحية ووسائل أخرى سريعة الزوال (كالرمل وأوراق الأشجار) لتسجيل الصور والكتابة استخدمت أشكالاً معقدة كالوشم معلومات الأنساب والانتماءات والوضع الاجتماعي مع ظهور واستخدام وسائل اتصال ثابتة ومحمولة أصبح تسجيل والكتب ومشاركتها عبر مناطق العالم أسهل نحتت ونقشت ورسمت وطبعت وكتبت بالحبر الخشب والخيزران والعاج والعظام والفخار وألواح الصلصال والحجر النخيل والجلد والورق والحرير وقماش وسجلت أفلام وخزنت إلكترونياً بصورة رقمية لا تزال الشفوية عالقة بالذاكرة وانتقلت جيل إلى الرغم ازدياد شعبية الإعلام المكتوبة والمتلفزة كثير أنحاء

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels

The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels

est The Picture of Dorian Gray An Ideal Husband Lady Windermere's Fan A Woman of No Importance

ــ أُوسْكَارْ وَايْلِدْ

صدر 2019م
The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels

The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels

est The Picture of Dorian Gray An Ideal Husband Lady Windermere's Fan A Woman of No Importance

ــ أُوسْكَارْ وَايْلِدْ

صدر 2019م
عن كتاب The Oscar Wilde Collection: Five Novels:
This is a bibliography of works by Oscar Wilde, a late-Victorian Irish writer. Chiefly remembered today as a playwright, especially for The Importance of Being Earnest, and as the author of The Picture of Dorian Gray; Wilde's oeuvre includes criticism, poetry, children's fiction, and a large selection of reviews, lectures and journalism.

His private correspondence has also been published.The Picture of Dorian Gray is a Gothic and philosophical novel by Oscar Wilde, first published complete in the July 1890 issue of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. Fearing the story was indecent, the magazine's editor deleted roughly five hundred words before publication without Wilde's knowledge. Despite that censorship, The Picture of Dorian Gray offended the moral sensibilities of British book reviewers, some of whom said that Oscar Wilde merited prosecution for violating the laws guarding public morality.

In response, Wilde aggressively defended his novel and art in correspondence with the British press, although he personally made excisions of some of the most controversial material when revising and lengthening the story for book publication the following year.Lady Windermere's Fan, A Play About a Good Woman is a four-act comedy by Oscar Wilde, first performed on Saturday, 20 February 1892, at the St James's Theatre in London.A Woman of No Importance is a play by Irish playwright Oscar Wilde.

The play premired on 19 April 1893 at London's Haymarket Theatre. Like Wilde's other society plays, it satirizes English upper-class society. It has been performed on stages in Europe and North America since his death in 1900.An Ideal Husband is an 1895 comedic stage play by Oscar Wilde which revolves around blackmail and political corruption, and touches on the themes of public and private honour. The action is set in London, in "the present", and takes place over the course of twenty-four hours.

The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trivial Comedy for Serious People is a play by Oscar Wilde. First performed on 14 February 1895 at the St James's Theatre in London, it is a farcical comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious personto escape burdensome social obligations.

Working within the social conventions of late Victorian London, the play's major themes are the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways. Some contemporary reviews praised the play's humour and the culmination of Wilde's artistic career, while others were cautious about its lack of social messages. Its high farce and witty dialogue have helped make The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde's most enduringly popular play.


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رقم ISBN الدولي: 9781097366248 .
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