█ _ ريان هوليداى 2018 حصريا كتاب ❞ Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2025 Intrigue: An NPR Book Concierge Best 2018!A stunning story about how power works in modern age book New York Times called "one helluva page turner" The Sunday London celebrated as "riveting an astonishing media conspiracy that is a fantastic read " Pick up everyone talking In 2007, short blogpost on Valleywag, Silicon Valley vertical Gawker Media, outed PayPal founder billionaire investor Thiel gay Thiel's sexuality had been known to close friends family, but he didn't consider himself public figure, believed information was private This post would be casus belli for meticulously plotted end nearly decade later with $140 million dollar judgment against its bankruptcy Nick Denton, Gawker's CEO founder, out job Only world learn demise not incidental it masterminded by For years, searched endlessly solution what he'd come call "Gawker Problem When unmarked envelope delivered illegally recorded sex tape Hogan his best friend's wife, seen chance millions pageviews say things others were afraid saw their publication opportunity looking He pit multi year proxy war through Florida legal system, while remained confidently convinced they prevail over so many other lawsuit until too late verdict stun Peter's ultimate unmasking man who set all motion Why done this? How no one discovered it? What this mean First Amendment? privacy? culture?In Holiday's masterful telling unbelievable conspiracy, informed interviews key players, case transcends narrative took down empire or current state free press It's study power, strategy, most wildly ambitious successful secret plots recent memory Some will cheer destruction lament it, after reading these pages seeing access author given deny there something ruthless brilliant shocking attempt shake فكر وثقافة مجاناً PDF اونلاين الثقافة تعني صقل النفس والمنطق والفطانة حيث أن المثقف يقوم نفسه بتعلم أمور جديدة كما هو حال القلم عندما يتم بريه هذا القسم يشمل العديدة من الكتب المتميزة الفكر والثقافة تتعدّد المعاني التي ترمي إليها اللغة العربية فهي ترجِع أصلها إلى الفعل الثلاثي ثقُفَ الذي يعني الذكاء والفطنة وسرعة التعلم والحذق والتهذيب وتسوية الشيء وإقامة اعوجاجه والعلم والفنون والتعليم والمعارف