📘 ❞ Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook ❝ كتاب

الدايت واللياقة البدنية - 📖 كتاب ❞ Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook ❝ 📖

█ _ 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook ❝ 2024 Cookbook: Cookbook The secret is out: Eating low fat, calorie foods doesn't automatically equate to numbers on the scale However focusing that keep metabolism high and body healthy, automatic weight loss result! And in this creative collection, Bikini Chef Susan Irby shows dieters they don't need eat wacky or sacrifice flavor reach their goal She serves up mouthwatering recipes you can whip while trim down, including: Polenta Blueberry PancakeOrzo Salad with Red Bell Peppers Fresh HerbsJalapeno SalsaPork Tenderloin Pomegranate Onion MarmaladeGreen Tea Sorbet Complete nutritional information specific tips throughout, cookbook all program your burn fat better fasterwith every bite!" الدايت واللياقة البدنية مجاناً PDF اونلاين تكمن أهمية اللياقة أنها تلعب دورا بارزا صحة الإنسان وشخصيته وسماته النفسية والعقلية وان ضعف سيؤدي إلى آثار سلبية وظهور الشيخوخة المبكرة وأمراض القلب والشرايين, فضلا عن انها تحمي الانسان من السمنة المفرطة, كتب واهميتها فالحياة, انواع البدنية, اختبارات عاص والكثير

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Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook

Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook

Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook

Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook

عن كتاب Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook:
Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook

The secret is out: Eating low-fat, low-calorie foods doesn't automatically equate to low numbers on the scale. However focusing on foods that keep the metabolism high and the body healthy, automatic weight loss is the result! And in this creative collection, the Bikini Chef Susan Irby shows dieters they don't need to eat wacky foods or sacrifice flavor to reach their goal. She serves up mouthwatering recipes you can whip up while you trim down, including: Polenta Blueberry PancakeOrzo Salad with Red Bell Peppers and Fresh HerbsJalapeno SalsaPork Tenderloin with Pomegranate and Onion MarmaladeGreen Tea Sorbet Complete with nutritional information and specific tips throughout, this cookbook is all you need to program your body to burn fat better and fasterwith every bite!"


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