█ _ أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي 0 حصريا كتاب ❞ Riyad us Saliheen ❝ 2025 Saliheen: Sincerity and Significance of Intentions all Actions, Apparent Hidden Allah, the Exalted, says: "And they were commanded not, but that should worship Allah, none Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him), perform As Salat (Iqamat as Salat) give Zakat, and that is right religion '' (98:5) "It neither their meat nor blood reaches it piety you (22:37) "Say (O Muhammad (PBUH) ): Whether hide what in your breasts or reveal it, Allah knows it" (3:29) 1 Narrated 'Umar bin Al Khattab (May be pleased with him), reported: Messenger said, "The deeds are considered by intentions, a person will get reward according his intention So whoever emigrated for His Messenger, emigration Messenger; whoever emigrated for worldly benefits woman marry, would he emigrated for" [Al Bukhari Muslim] Commentary: According some Ahadith, reason this Hadith sent proposal marriage to a named Umm Qais, which she turned down saying have emigrate Madinah Accordingly, did specific purpose, two married there On account event, man came known among Companions Muhajir Qais On basis Hadith, 'Ulama' unanimous opinion real one's actions Niyyah (intention) everyone requited Niyyah It true founded heart, that say, one has first make up mind intends do not express verbally In fact, latter Bid`ah (innovation religion) because no proof found Shariah The point becomes evident Ikhlas (sincerity) must every action In other words, righteous deed, seek only Pleasure Allah; otherwise, accepted by The book was compiled Imam AnNawawi who great scholar Fiqhof time Commentaries on Ahadith been added Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf Pakistan had originally executed them Urdu edition English translation commentaries performed Dr Amin Abu Usamah AlArabi Razduq task utmost care profound interest كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل العديد من الكتب الإسلامية المترجمة بجميع اللغات العالمية منها : ***Islamic Books***: الأقسام الفرعية English إنجليزي Français فرنسي Español أسباني Indonesian إندونيسي Türkçe تركي فارسی فارسي اردو أردو Deutsch ألماني Italiano إيطالي বাংলা بنغالي Русский روسي हिन्दी هندي മലയാളം مليالم ไทย تايلندي Filipino فلبيني Shqip ألباني አማርኛ أمهري Bosanski بوسني Polski بولندي 中文 صيني Português برتغالي 한국어 كوري 日本語 ياباني