█ _ Emily Brontë 1995 حصريا قصة ❞ Wuthering Heights ❝ عن London : Penguin Books 2025 Heights: Heights Chapter I 1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord the solitary neighbour that shall be troubled with This is certainly beautiful country! In all England, do not believe that could fixed on situation so completely removed from the stir of society A perfect misanthropist’s heaven: and Mr Heathcliff and are such suitable pair divide the desolation between us capital fellow! He little imagined how heart warmed towards him when beheld his black eyes withdraw suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, his fingers sheltered themselves, with a jealous resolution, still further in waistcoat, as announced name ‘Mr Heathcliff?’ said A nod was answer Lockwood, your new tenant, sir myself honour calling soon possible after arrival, express the hope inconvenienced you by perseverance soliciting occupation Thrushcross Grange: I heard yesterday had some thoughts ‘ ‘Thrushcross Grange own, sir,’ he interrupted, wincing ‘I should allow any one inconvenience me, if I hinder it walk in!’ Stories novels مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي العديد من القصص والروايات باللغة الإنجليزية This section contains many stories English (Stories novels) والروايات: الرواية هي سرد نثري طويل يصف شخصيات خيالية أو واقعية وأحداثاً شكل متسلسلة كما أنها أكبر الأجناس القصصية حيث الحجم وتعدد الشخصيات وتنوع الأحداث وقد ظهرت أوروبا بوصفها جنساً أدبياً مؤثراً القرن الثامن عشر والرواية حكاية تعتمد السرد بما فيه وصف وحوار وصراع بين وما ينطوي عليه ذلك تأزم وجدل وتغذيه A novel relatively long work narrative fiction, normally written prose form, which typically published book The present English word for fiction derives Italian novella "new", "news", or "short story something new", itself Latin novella, singular noun use neuter plural novellus, diminutive novus, meaning "new" Walter Scott made distinction novel, (as saw it) "events accommodated ordinary train human events modern state society" romance, defined "a fictitious verse; interest turns upon marvellous uncommon incidents"