█ _ جون غرين 2008 حصريا رواية ❞ Paper Towns ❝ عن New York : Dutton Books 2025 Towns: Towns The longest day of my life began tardily I woke up late, took too long in the shower, and ended up having to enjoy breakfast passenger seat mom’s minivan at 7:17 that Wednesday morning I usually got a ride school with best friend, Ben Starling, but had gone on time, making him useless me “On time” for us was thirty minutes before actually started, because half hour first bell highlight our social calendars: standing outside the side door led into band room just talking Most friends were band, most of free time during spent within twenty feet But not the band, because suffer from kind tone deafness is generally associated actual going be which technically meant I’d still ten early for school itself As she drove, Mom asking about classes finals prom “I don’t believe prom,” reminded her as rounded corner expertly angled raisin bran to accommodate g forces done this “Well, there’s no harm friend I’m sure you could ask Cassie Hiney ” And I could have asked Hiney, who perfectly nice pleasant cute, despite having a fantastically unfortunate last name Stories novels مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي العديد من القصص والروايات باللغة الإنجليزية This section contains many stories English (Stories novels) والروايات: الرواية هي سرد نثري طويل يصف شخصيات خيالية أو واقعية وأحداثاً شكل قصة متسلسلة كما أنها أكبر الأجناس القصصية حيث الحجم وتعدد الشخصيات وتنوع الأحداث وقد ظهرت أوروبا بوصفها جنساً أدبياً مؤثراً القرن الثامن عشر والرواية حكاية تعتمد السرد بما فيه وصف وحوار وصراع بين وما ينطوي عليه ذلك تأزم وجدل وتغذيه A novel relatively work narrative fiction, normally written prose form, typically published book The present English word fiction derives Italian novella "new", "news", or "short story something new", Latin novella, singular noun use neuter plural novellus, diminutive novus, meaning "new" Walter Scott made distinction between novel, (as he saw it) "events are accommodated ordinary train human events modern state society" romance, defined "a fictitious verse; interest turns upon marvellous uncommon incidents"