📘 ❞ A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory ❝ كتاب ــ Raman Selden اصدار 2005

النقد الأدبي Literary criticism - 📖 كتاب ❞ A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory ❝ ــ Raman Selden 📖

█ _ Raman Selden 2005 حصريا كتاب ❞ A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory ❝ 2024 Theory: A Reflecting the continuing change and development in modern literacy theory, key features of this book includes its clarity, brevity, equal coverage main literary theories useful bibliographies further reading Literature students will find clearly defined sections easy navigate whilst avoiding over simplification, it makes a complex subject accessible Contents Preface Fifth Edition ix Introduction 1 1 New Criticism, moral formalism F R Leavis 15 Origins: Eliot, Richards, Empson 15 The American Critics 18 Moral formalism: 23 2 Russian Bakhtin School 29 Shklovsky, Mukarˇovsky´, Jakobson 30 The 39 3 Reader oriented 45 Phenomenology: Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer 49 Hans Robert Jauss Wolfgang Iser 50 Fish, Riffaterre, Bleich 55 4 Structuralist 62 The linguistic background 63 Structuralist narratology 67 Metaphor metonymy 72 Structuralist poetics 75 5 Marxist 82 Soviet Socialist Realism 84 Lukács Brecht 86 The Frankfurt After: Adorno Benjamin 91 ‘Structuralist’ Marxism: Goldmann, Althusser, Macherey 95 ‘New Left’ Williams, Eagleton, Jameson 99 ARG_A01 qxd 9 20 07 10:44 AM Page vii viii CONTENTS 6 Feminist 115 First wave feminist criticism: Woolf de Beauvoir 117 Second criticism 120 Kate Millett: sexual politics 123 Marxist feminism 125 Elaine Showalter: gynocriticism 126 French feminism: Kristeva, Cixous, Irigaray 129 7 Poststructuralist 144 Roland Barthes 148 Psychoanalytic theories: 153 Jacques Lacan 156 Julia Kristeva 161 Deleuze Guattari 162 Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida 164 American deconstruction 171 Michel Foucault 178 New Historicism Cultural Materialism 180 8 Postmodernist 197 Jean Baudrillard 200 Jean François Lyotard 203 Postmodernism Marxism 206 Postmodern feminisms 209 9 Postcolonialist 218 Edward Said 220 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 223 Homi K Bhabha 226 Race ethnicity 229 10 Gay, lesbian queer 243 Gay theory 244 Lesbian 247 Queer 252 Conclusion: Post 267 Appendix 1: Recommended glossaries theoretical and critical terms concepts 280 Appendix 2: Literary, cultural journals 282 Index names, titles topics 283 ARG_A01 viii Preface Edition published Great Britain النقد الأدبي مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يحتوي علي كل ما يتعلق بالنقد النقد دراسة ونقاش وتقييم وتفسير الأدب يعتمد الحديث غالبا النظرية الأدبية وهي النقاش الفلسفي لطرق وأهدافه ورغم العلاقة بينهما فإن النقاد الأدبيين ليسوا دوما منظرين هو فن تفسير الأعمال وهو محاولة منضبطة يشترك فيها ذوق الناقد وفكره للكشف عن مواطن الجمال أو القبح والأدب سابق للنقد الظهور ولولا وجود لما كان هناك نقد أدبي لأن قواعده مستقاة ومستنتجة من إن ينظر النصوص الأد بية شعرية كانت نثرية ثم يأخذ الكشف والقبح معللاً مايقولة ومحاولاً أن يثير نفوسنا شعور بأن يقوله صحيح وأقصى يطمح إليه لأنه لن يستطيع أبداً يقدم لنا برهاناً علميا يقيناً ولذا لا يوجد عندنا صائب وآخر خاطئ وإنما أكثر قدرة تأويل العمل الفني وتفسيره غيره واختلاف مناهج معناه اختلاف وجهات النظر والذوق هو المرجع الأول الحكم والفنون أقرب الموازين والمقاييس إلى طبيعتها ولكن الذوق الجدير بالاعتبار المصقول لذوق الذي يكبح جماح هواه الخاص قد يجافي الصواب الخبير بالأدب راضه ومارسه وتخصص فهمه ودرس أساليب الأدباء ومنح القدرة فهم أسرارهم والنفوذ دخائلهم وادراك مشاعرهم وسبر عواطفهم بفهمه العميق وحسه المرهف وكثرة تجاربه لذلك لابد يتمتع الناقدبعدة صفات منها: قدر وافر المعرفة والثقافة البصر الثاقب يكون خير معين له إصدار الصائب فالأدب ونقده وفن قبل معرفة وعلما وان تعين صاحب الحس السليم والطبع Literary (or studies) is study, evaluation, interpretation literature Modern often influenced by which philosophical discussion literature's goals methods Though two activities are closely related, critics not always, have always been, theorists Whether or should be considered separate field inquiry from conversely reviewing, matter some controversy For example, Johns Hopkins Criticism

إنضم الآن وتصفح بدون إعلانات
A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

ــ Raman Selden

صدر 2005م
A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

ــ Raman Selden

صدر 2005م
عن كتاب A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory:
A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

Reflecting the continuing change and development in modern literacy theory, the key features of this book includes its clarity, brevity, equal coverage of the main literary theories and useful bibliographies of further reading.

Literature students will find its clearly defined sections easy to navigate and whilst avoiding over-simplification, it makes a complex subject accessible

Preface to the Fifth Edition ix
Introduction 1
1 New Criticism, moral formalism and F. R. Leavis 15
Origins: Eliot, Richards, Empson 15
The American New Critics 18
Moral formalism: F. R. Leavis 23
2 Russian formalism and the Bakhtin School 29
Shklovsky, Mukarˇovsky´, Jakobson 30
The Bakhtin School 39
3 Reader-oriented theories 45
Phenomenology: Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer 49
Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser 50
Fish, Riffaterre, Bleich 55
4 Structuralist theories 62
The linguistic background 63
Structuralist narratology 67
Metaphor and metonymy 72
Structuralist poetics 75
5 Marxist theories 82
Soviet Socialist Realism 84
Lukács and Brecht 86
The Frankfurt School and After: Adorno and Benjamin 91
‘Structuralist’ Marxism: Goldmann, Althusser, Macherey 95
‘New Left’ Marxism: Williams, Eagleton, Jameson 99
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6 Feminist theories 115
First-wave feminist criticism: Woolf and de Beauvoir 117
Second-wave feminist criticism 120
Kate Millett: sexual politics 123
Marxist feminism 125
Elaine Showalter: gynocriticism 126
French feminism: Kristeva, Cixous, Irigaray 129
7 Poststructuralist theories 144
Roland Barthes 148
Psychoanalytic theories: 153
Jacques Lacan 156
Julia Kristeva 161
Deleuze and Guattari 162
Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida 164
American deconstruction 171
Michel Foucault 178
New Historicism and Cultural Materialism 180
8 Postmodernist theories 197
Jean Baudrillard 200
Jean-François Lyotard 203
Postmodernism and Marxism 206
Postmodern feminisms 209
9 Postcolonialist theories 218
Edward Said 220
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 223
Homi K. Bhabha 226
Race and ethnicity 229
10 Gay, lesbian and queer theories 243
Gay theory and criticism 244
Lesbian feminist theory and criticism 247
Queer theory and criticism 252
Conclusion: Post-Theory 267
Appendix 1: Recommended glossaries of theoretical
and critical terms and concepts 280
Appendix 2: Literary, critical and cultural theory journals 282
Index of names, titles and topics 283
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Preface to the Fifth Edition

published in Great Britain in 2005


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