❞ Who is the Jordanian Writer Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa? And How Did He Lead Arab Writers in Eastern Europe?
The Jordanian writer Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa was born in 1993 in Jordan, growing up in a middle-income family. From a young age, he demonstrated an exceptional passion for knowledge and culture, which motivated him to leave his homeland in pursuit of academic achievements. He chose Russia as his destination for higher education, where he showcased remarkable dedication by mastering the Russian language in a record time of just 60 days.
Mahmoud Omar began his academic journey studying engineering. However, his deep passion for literature and thought led him to change his field to Russian literature. This shift was not merely an academic decision but marked the beginning of a long journey into the world of writing and creativity.
Known for his strong speeches and candid style, Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa became a prominent advocate for the idea of peaceful coexistence among religions. He emphasized the importance of respecting religious diversity and separating religion from politics, believing that faith should remain in its spiritual and human context, far from political disputes. He strongly believed that everyone deserves the right to a dignified life, regardless of their religious or cultural background.
Despite his literary and intellectual success, Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa was not immune to rumors. His personal and professional life was often the subject of speculation, but the writer consistently chose silence, trusting that truth often remains hidden and only reveals itself to those who seek it sincerely.
In Eastern Europe, Mahmoud Omar left a distinctive mark on the Arab cultural scene, where he led Arab writers in the region. This achievement was a culmination of his accomplished journey and a testament to his esteemed position among Arab writers in the diaspora.
The story of Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa remains a testament to perseverance and ambition. He overcame challenges and achieved milestones that illuminated his name in the realms of literature and thought, writing a new chapter in the history of Arab writers.. ❝ ⏤𝑴𝑨𝑯𝑴𝑶𝑼𝑫
❞ Who is the Jordanian Writer Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa? And How Did He Lead Arab Writers in Eastern Europe?
The Jordanian writer Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa was born in 1993 in Jordan, growing up in a middle-income family. From a young age, he demonstrated an exceptional passion for knowledge and culture, which motivated him to leave his homeland in pursuit of academic achievements. He chose Russia as his destination for higher education, where he showcased remarkable dedication by mastering the Russian language in a record time of just 60 days.
Mahmoud Omar began his academic journey studying engineering. However, his deep passion for literature and thought led him to change his field to Russian literature. This shift was not merely an academic decision but marked the beginning of a long journey into the world of writing and creativity.
Known for his strong speeches and candid style, Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa became a prominent advocate for the idea of peaceful coexistence among religions. He emphasized the importance of respecting religious diversity and separating religion from politics, believing that faith should remain in its spiritual and human context, far from political disputes. He strongly believed that everyone deserves the right to a dignified life, regardless of their religious or cultural background.
Despite his literary and intellectual success, Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa was not immune to rumors. His personal and professional life was often the subject of speculation, but the writer consistently chose silence, trusting that truth often remains hidden and only reveals itself to those who seek it sincerely.
In Eastern Europe, Mahmoud Omar left a distinctive mark on the Arab cultural scene, where he led Arab writers in the region. This achievement was a culmination of his accomplished journey and a testament to his esteemed position among Arab writers in the diaspora.
The story of Mahmoud Omar Mohammad Jumaa remains a testament to perseverance and ambition. He overcame challenges and achieved milestones that illuminated his name in the realms of literature and thought, writing a new chapter in the history of Arab writers. ❝
❞ Exploring the psychological, cultural, and neuroscientific causes of this modern American witch-hunt, My Lie asks: how could so many people come to believe the same lie at the same time? What has neuroscience discovered about the brain\\\'s capacity to create false memories and encode false beliefs? What are the ˝big lies˝ gaining traction in American culture today--and how can we keep them from taking hold؟. ❝ ⏤ميريديث ماران
❞ Exploring the psychological, cultural, and neuroscientific causes of this modern American witch-hunt, My Lie asks: how could so many people come to believe the same lie at the same time? What has neuroscience discovered about the brain\\˝s capacity to create false memories and encode false beliefs? What are the ˝big lies˝ gaining traction in American culture today--and how can we keep them from taking hold؟. ❝
❞ As the new rulers of Granada confiscate books and officials burn the collected volumes, Abu Jaafur quietly moves his rich library out of town. Persecuted Muslims fight to form an independent government, but increasing economic and cultural pressures on the Arabs of Spain and Christian rulers culminate in Christian conversions and Muslim uprisings.. ❝ ⏤رضوى عاشور
❞ As the new rulers of Granada confiscate books and officials burn the collected volumes, Abu Jaafur quietly moves his rich library out of town. Persecuted Muslims fight to form an independent government, but increasing economic and cultural pressures on the Arabs of Spain and Christian rulers culminate in Christian conversions and Muslim uprisings. ❝
❞ دائما الإنسان عدو ما يجهل ، يعادون الإسلام بسبب أكاذيب و افتراءات وسائل الإعلام ولو قرأو القرآن الكريم و بعض كتب علماء المسلمين المعتبرين لتبين لهم ضلمهم لهذا الدين القيم السمح الكريم .
كتبه هشام المحجوبي المراكشي .
ترجمت هذه التغريدة إلى اللغات التالية الإنجليزية و الفرنسية و الايطالية و الروسية و الهولندية و الألمانية
\"Human beings always consider what they are ignorant of as their enemy. They oppose Islam due to lies and defamation spread by the media. If they were to read the Noble Qur\'an and some books by reputable Muslim scholars, they would realize the injustice done to this noble, tolerant, and generous religion.\"
Sheikh Hisham lmahjoubi
\"L\'être humain considère toujours comme ennemi ce qu\'il ignore. Ils s\'opposent à l\'islam en raison des mensonges et des calomnies répandus par les médias. S\'ils venaient à lire le noble Coran et certains livres de savants musulmans respectés, ils se rendraient compte de l\'injustice faite à cette religion noble, tolérante et généreuse.\"
Cheik Hisham lmahjoubi
\"Le persone considerano sempre nemico ciò che ignorano. Si oppongono all\'Islam a causa di bugie e diffamazioni diffuse dai media. Se leggessero il nobile Corano e alcuni libri di autorevoli studiosi musulmani, si renderanno conto dell\'ingiustizia fatta a questa nobile, tollerante e generosa religione.\"
Sceico Hisham lmahjoubi
\"Человек всегда считает врагом то, что он не понимает. Они противопоставляются Исламу из-за лжи и клеветы, распространяемой средствами массовой информации. Если бы они прочитали благородный Коран и некоторые книги уважаемых мусульманских ученых, они осознали бы несправедливость в отношении этой благородной, толерантной и щедрой религии.\"
Шейх Хишам Апь махджуби
\"Mensen beschouwen altijd wat ze niet kennen als hun vijand. Ze zijn tegen de Islam vanwege leugens en laster verspreid door de media. Als ze de nobele Koran en enkele boeken van gerenommeerde moslimgeleerden zouden lezen, zouden ze beseffen welk onrecht deze nobele, tolerante en genereuze religie wordt aangedaan.\"
Sheik Hisham lmahjoubi
\"Menschen betrachten immer das, was sie nicht kennen, als ihren Feind. Sie widersetzen sich dem Islam aufgrund von Lügen und Verleumdungen, die von den Medien verbreitet werden. Wenn sie den edlen Koran und einige Bücher angesehener muslimischer Gelehrter lesen würden, würden sie erkennen, welches Unrecht dieser edlen, toleranten und großzügigen Religion zugefügt wird.\"
Scheik Hisham lmahjoubi
#KulturellerAustausch. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ دائما الإنسان عدو ما يجهل ، يعادون الإسلام بسبب أكاذيب و افتراءات وسائل الإعلام ولو قرأو القرآن الكريم و بعض كتب علماء المسلمين المعتبرين لتبين لهم ضلمهم لهذا الدين القيم السمح الكريم .
كتبه هشام المحجوبي المراكشي .
ترجمت هذه التغريدة إلى اللغات التالية الإنجليزية و الفرنسية و الايطالية و الروسية و الهولندية و الألمانية
˝Human beings always consider what they are ignorant of as their enemy. They oppose Islam due to lies and defamation spread by the media. If they were to read the Noble Qur˝an and some books by reputable Muslim scholars, they would realize the injustice done to this noble, tolerant, and generous religion.˝
Sheikh Hisham lmahjoubi
˝L˝être humain considère toujours comme ennemi ce qu˝il ignore. Ils s˝opposent à l˝islam en raison des mensonges et des calomnies répandus par les médias. S˝ils venaient à lire le noble Coran et certains livres de savants musulmans respectés, ils se rendraient compte de l˝injustice faite à cette religion noble, tolérante et généreuse.˝
Cheik Hisham lmahjoubi
˝Le persone considerano sempre nemico ciò che ignorano. Si oppongono all˝Islam a causa di bugie e diffamazioni diffuse dai media. Se leggessero il nobile Corano e alcuni libri di autorevoli studiosi musulmani, si renderanno conto dell˝ingiustizia fatta a questa nobile, tollerante e generosa religione.˝
Sceico Hisham lmahjoubi
˝Человек всегда считает врагом то, что он не понимает. Они противопоставляются Исламу из-за лжи и клеветы, распространяемой средствами массовой информации. Если бы они прочитали благородный Коран и некоторые книги уважаемых мусульманских ученых, они осознали бы несправедливость в отношении этой благородной, толерантной и щедрой религии.˝
Шейх Хишам Апь махджуби
˝Mensen beschouwen altijd wat ze niet kennen als hun vijand. Ze zijn tegen de Islam vanwege leugens en laster verspreid door de media. Als ze de nobele Koran en enkele boeken van gerenommeerde moslimgeleerden zouden lezen, zouden ze beseffen welk onrecht deze nobele, tolerante en genereuze religie wordt aangedaan.˝
Sheik Hisham lmahjoubi
˝Menschen betrachten immer das, was sie nicht kennen, als ihren Feind. Sie widersetzen sich dem Islam aufgrund von Lügen und Verleumdungen, die von den Medien verbreitet werden. Wenn sie den edlen Koran und einige Bücher angesehener muslimischer Gelehrter lesen würden, würden sie erkennen, welches Unrecht dieser edlen, toleranten und großzügigen Religion zugefügt wird.˝
Scheik Hisham lmahjoubi