Sag feelings ˝We will meet again with different hearts ˝ The last meeting was a cry of... 💬 أقوال 📖 موضوع اهم 350 كلمه فى الانجليزيه

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█ Sag feelings "We will meet again with different hearts " The last meeting was a cry of sadness for separation against our Yes, it fate that separated us It left no room to at loving dinner table the two souls, feelings, ideas We could not confront him, except accept inevitable But what if we tried?! might have succeeded, been together now is too late and has ended Love affection even disappeared vanished into depths tyrant time Our bodies grown old, souls aged, here first after hundred years I felt Do you think flowed again?! Or am only one clinging cursed past buried love? From beginning, victim unlucky love All roads lead Rome, dead end in Imagine were me, but afflicted curse wandering, are on straight path walking comfortably What passed accursed heart died There nothing disappointment, brokenness, pain, pain say: You sensitive, rather bitter truth walked paths you, got lost maze passion, then fell pit seduction, hold rope affection, so they escaped from because did tighten your grip me abyss love, sometimes making myself In an instant, all my became disease insensitivity Professor writer Bouchra Delhoum, Blida, Algeria كتاب اهم 350 كلمه فى الانجليزيه مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2025

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