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█ كتاب Nights in Rodanthe مجاناً PDF اونلاين 2025 Rodanthe Three years earlier, on a warm November morning 1999, Adrienne Willis had returned to the Inn and at first glance thought it unchanged, as if small Inn were impervious sun and sand and salted mist The porch been freshly painted, shiny black shutters sandwiched rectangular whitecurtained windows both floors like offset piano keys cedar siding was color of dusty snow On either side building, sea oats waved greeting, formed curving dune that changed imperceptibly with each passing day individual grains shifted from one spot next With hovering among clouds, air luminescent quality, though particles of light suspended haze, for moment felt she’d traveled back time But looking closer, she gradually began notice changes cosmetic work couldn’t hide: decay corners windows, lines rust along roof, water stains near gutters The Inn seemed be winding down, knew there nothing could do change it, Adrienne remembered closing her eyes, magically blink what once Now, standing kitchen own home few months into sixtieth year, hung up the phone after speaking daughter She sat table, reflecting last visit Inn, remembering long weekend spent Despite all happened that had passed since then, still held tight belief love essence full and wonderful life

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نيكولاس سباركس

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