❞ \"Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire\"
By the writer and President of the Arab Writers in Eastern Europe, Mahmoud Mohammad Omar Jumaa
If you are a lover of goodness and justice, think twice before opening the pages of this novel. In \"Katla\", all traditional perceptions of the struggle between good and evil are shattered. Here, good does not prevail, and the story is far from what you might expect.
At the start of the battle, you will feel as though you are on the verge of defeat. You, representing darkness, are up against those who carry the banner of light. But what you see is nothing more than an illusion—mere scratches that leave a mark, only to fade away. Over time, you will come to realize that good is not always right, and evil is sometimes the inevitable fate.
In the world of \"Katla\", the triumph of darkness is not an end, but a beginning. After the fall of light, a ceremony was held to commemorate the spirits of the village, as if darkness itself needed to honor this moment, ensuring it remains etched in memory.
\"Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire\" is not just a novel; it is a journey into contradictory worlds where concepts of justice and victory are redefined. Do you dare to embark on this adventure?. ❝ ⏤محمود عمر جمعة
❞ ˝Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire˝
By the writer and President of the Arab Writers in Eastern Europe, Mahmoud Mohammad Omar Jumaa
If you are a lover of goodness and justice, think twice before opening the pages of this novel. In ˝Katla˝, all traditional perceptions of the struggle between good and evil are shattered. Here, good does not prevail, and the story is far from what you might expect.
At the start of the battle, you will feel as though you are on the verge of defeat. You, representing darkness, are up against those who carry the banner of light. But what you see is nothing more than an illusion—mere scratches that leave a mark, only to fade away. Over time, you will come to realize that good is not always right, and evil is sometimes the inevitable fate.
In the world of ˝Katla˝, the triumph of darkness is not an end, but a beginning. After the fall of light, a ceremony was held to commemorate the spirits of the village, as if darkness itself needed to honor this moment, ensuring it remains etched in memory.
˝Katla: The Land of Ice and Fire˝ is not just a novel; it is a journey into contradictory worlds where concepts of justice and victory are redefined. Do you dare to embark on this adventure?. ❝
❞ موانع النجاح مع الله (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
في دراستي لكتب علماءنا العارفين بالله تجد ان تشخيصهم و تقييمهم للموانع التي تمنع الإنسان من الإرتقاء في درجات ولاية الرحمان و التقوى و الإحسان تدور على مرضين مرض الشهوة و مرض الشبهة فالمصاب بالمرض الأول يتصف بطباع حيوانية تجعل نفسه تميل الى السفالة و الإغراق في التفكير في إشباع غرائزه و شهواته و خطر هذا المرض أنه يزين لصاحبه إستباحة الفواحش و المنكرات و المحرمات و إن لم يصل بالإنسان الى المستوى الحرام فإنه يضيع عليه أوقات كثيرة و طاقات كبيرة كان الأولى أن تُسْثَتْمر في عمل الآخرة هذا النوع يجعل الإنسان مسجونا في سجن من الملذات بتصورات متجددة لا تنتهي لا تزيد الإنسان الا رغبة فيما بعدها (ولا يملأ جوف ابن آدم إلا التراب )و دواء هذا المرض هو الزُهد في الدنيا و الإهتمام بالآخرة و شغل الأوقات بالطاعات (قد أفلح من زكاها و قد خاب من دساها) و اما المرض الثاني فينحرف فهم صاحبه الى عقائد و ضلالات تهواها نفسه أحيانا بسبب حب الثورة على الواقع أو حب التميز بشيء لم يأت به أحد أو بسبب حسَد الإنسان لعلماء الدين و شيوخه ، و خُبث النفس لا حد له و دواء هذا المرض الصدق في طلب الحق و دراسة اصول الدين و اصول الفقه اللهم اننا نعوذ بك من الفواحش و الضلالات و في الأخير علينا ان نعلم ان الدنيا قصيرة و حقيرة فإياك ان تبيع آخرتك بها ( وللآخرة خير لك من الأولى و لسوف يعطيك ربك فترضى )
The obstacles to success with Allah (Sheikh Hisham Mahjoubi) In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Lust and the disease of suspicion. Taboo, even if a person does not reach the forbidden level, he wastes many times and great energies on him. The hollow of the son of Adam fills with nothing but dust (the cure for this disease is asceticism in this world, concern for the afterlife, and preoccupation with the times of acts of obedience (the one who purifies it has succeeded, and the one who indexes it) has been disappointed. The delusions that he loves himself sometimes because of the love of revolution against reality or the love of excellence in something that no one has brought, or because of man’s envy of religious scholars and elders, and the malice of the soul is limitless. We seek refuge in You from immorality and delusions, and in the end, we must know that the world is short and despicable, so beware of selling your hereafter (and the Hereafter is better for you than the first, and your Lord will give you, and you will be satisfied. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ موانع النجاح مع الله (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
في دراستي لكتب علماءنا العارفين بالله تجد ان تشخيصهم و تقييمهم للموانع التي تمنع الإنسان من الإرتقاء في درجات ولاية الرحمان و التقوى و الإحسان تدور على مرضين مرض الشهوة و مرض الشبهة فالمصاب بالمرض الأول يتصف بطباع حيوانية تجعل نفسه تميل الى السفالة و الإغراق في التفكير في إشباع غرائزه و شهواته و خطر هذا المرض أنه يزين لصاحبه إستباحة الفواحش و المنكرات و المحرمات و إن لم يصل بالإنسان الى المستوى الحرام فإنه يضيع عليه أوقات كثيرة و طاقات كبيرة كان الأولى أن تُسْثَتْمر في عمل الآخرة هذا النوع يجعل الإنسان مسجونا في سجن من الملذات بتصورات متجددة لا تنتهي لا تزيد الإنسان الا رغبة فيما بعدها (ولا يملأ جوف ابن آدم إلا التراب )و دواء هذا المرض هو الزُهد في الدنيا و الإهتمام بالآخرة و شغل الأوقات بالطاعات (قد أفلح من زكاها و قد خاب من دساها) و اما المرض الثاني فينحرف فهم صاحبه الى عقائد و ضلالات تهواها نفسه أحيانا بسبب حب الثورة على الواقع أو حب التميز بشيء لم يأت به أحد أو بسبب حسَد الإنسان لعلماء الدين و شيوخه ، و خُبث النفس لا حد له و دواء هذا المرض الصدق في طلب الحق و دراسة اصول الدين و اصول الفقه اللهم اننا نعوذ بك من الفواحش و الضلالات و في الأخير علينا ان نعلم ان الدنيا قصيرة و حقيرة فإياك ان تبيع آخرتك بها ( وللآخرة خير لك من الأولى و لسوف يعطيك ربك فترضى )
The obstacles to success with Allah (Sheikh Hisham Mahjoubi) In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Lust and the disease of suspicion. Taboo, even if a person does not reach the forbidden level, he wastes many times and great energies on him. The hollow of the son of Adam fills with nothing but dust (the cure for this disease is asceticism in this world, concern for the afterlife, and preoccupation with the times of acts of obedience (the one who purifies it has succeeded, and the one who indexes it) has been disappointed. The delusions that he loves himself sometimes because of the love of revolution against reality or the love of excellence in something that no one has brought, or because of man’s envy of religious scholars and elders, and the malice of the soul is limitless. We seek refuge in You from immorality and delusions, and in the end, we must know that the world is short and despicable, so beware of selling your hereafter (and the Hereafter is better for you than the first, and your Lord will give you, and you will be satisfied. ❝
❞ Sag feelings
\"We will meet again with different hearts\"
The last meeting was a cry of sadness for separation against our will. Yes, it was fate that separated us. It left no room for us to meet at a loving dinner table.
The last meeting was the separation of two souls, the separation of feelings, the separation of ideas.
We could not confront him, except to accept the inevitable fate.
But what if we tried?! We might have succeeded, we might have been together now.
It is too late and what was has ended. Love and affection have ended and even feelings have disappeared and vanished into the depths of the tyrant of time.
Our bodies have grown old, our souls have aged, and here is our first meeting after a hundred years of separation.
I felt what I felt. Do you think our feelings flowed again?!
Or am I the only one clinging to a cursed past and a buried love?
From the beginning, I was a victim of unlucky love. All roads lead to Rome, to a dead end in our love.
Imagine that you were in love with me, but I was in love with you.
I have been afflicted with the curse of wandering, and you are on the straight path walking comfortably.
What has passed has passed and the accursed heart has died. There is now nothing but disappointment, brokenness, pain, sadness and pain.
Do not say: You are sensitive, rather it is a bitter truth.
I walked the paths of love in you, and I got lost in the maze of passion, then I fell into the pit of seduction, and I could not hold the rope of affection and affection, so they escaped from me, because you did not tighten your grip.
You left me in the abyss of love, sometimes making you cry and sometimes making myself cry.
In an instant, all the feelings in my heart disappeared. Yes, I became afflicted with the disease of insensitivity.
Professor and writer Bouchra Delhoum, Blida, Algeria. ❝ ⏤
❞ Sag feelings
˝We will meet again with different hearts˝
The last meeting was a cry of sadness for separation against our will. Yes, it was fate that separated us. It left no room for us to meet at a loving dinner table.
The last meeting was the separation of two souls, the separation of feelings, the separation of ideas.
We could not confront him, except to accept the inevitable fate.
But what if we tried?! We might have succeeded, we might have been together now.
It is too late and what was has ended. Love and affection have ended and even feelings have disappeared and vanished into the depths of the tyrant of time.
Our bodies have grown old, our souls have aged, and here is our first meeting after a hundred years of separation.
I felt what I felt. Do you think our feelings flowed again?!
Or am I the only one clinging to a cursed past and a buried love?
From the beginning, I was a victim of unlucky love. All roads lead to Rome, to a dead end in our love.
Imagine that you were in love with me, but I was in love with you.
I have been afflicted with the curse of wandering, and you are on the straight path walking comfortably.
What has passed has passed and the accursed heart has died. There is now nothing but disappointment, brokenness, pain, sadness and pain.
Do not say: You are sensitive, rather it is a bitter truth.
I walked the paths of love in you, and I got lost in the maze of passion, then I fell into the pit of seduction, and I could not hold the rope of affection and affection, so they escaped from me, because you did not tighten your grip.
You left me in the abyss of love, sometimes making you cry and sometimes making myself cry.
In an instant, all the feelings in my heart disappeared. Yes, I became afflicted with the disease of insensitivity.
Professor and writer Bouchra Delhoum, Blida, Algeria. ❝