📘 ❞ Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done ❝ كتاب ــ ديانا بوهر اصدار 2017

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█ _ ديانا بوهر 2017 حصريا كتاب ❞ Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2025 Done: “Great leaders are great communicators…If you want become top notch strategic communicator, you’d do well heed the advice in [this book’s] pages ” —Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t There An Axiom Awards Silver Medal Winner People often get promoted leadership positions without knowing how communicate an inspiring vision people who report them So they focus on what know: tactics, not strategy As result, stuck micromanagement mode—driving away instead drawing Dianna Booher wants prevent before it happens by providing with right communication skills Grounded extensive research, this book offers practical guidelines help professionals think, coach, converse, speak, write, meet, negotiate strategically deliver results In thirty six brief chapters, shows effectively audiences up down organization so can fulfill your most essential responsibilities as leader “If you’re micromanager, need know it’s just ineffective—it’s also labor intensive style When read like Leader, you’ll learn that will improve relationship actually make leading easier —Ken Blanchard, coauthor The One Minute Manager فن إدارة الأعمال مجاناً PDF اونلاين ادارة الاعمال ليست علم فقط , بل انها وفن وموهبة, قسم هذا القسم يشمل كتب وتشمل التخطيط والتنظيم والتوظيف والادارة والقيادة والسيطرة واعداد الميزانية بحث حول الاعمال, تعريف تخصص الدولية ,والكثير

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Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done

Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done

ــ ديانا بوهر

صدر 2017م
Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done

Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done

ــ ديانا بوهر

صدر 2017م
ديانا بوهر ✍️ المؤلفة
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 🏛 الناشر
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عن كتاب Communicate Like a Leader: Connecting Strategically to Coach, Inspire, and Get Things Done:
“Great leaders are great communicators…If you want to become a top-notch strategic communicator, you’d do well to heed the advice in [this book’s] pages.” —Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times-bestselling author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

An Axiom Awards Silver Medal Winner

People often get promoted to leadership positions without knowing how to communicate an inspiring strategic vision to the people who report to them. So they focus on what they know: tactics, not strategy. As a result, they become stuck in micromanagement mode—driving people away instead of drawing them in.

Dianna Booher wants to prevent micromanagement before it happens by providing you with the right leadership communication skills. Grounded in extensive research, this book offers practical guidelines to help professionals think, coach, converse, speak, write, meet, and negotiate strategically to deliver results. In thirty-six brief chapters, Booher shows you how to communicate effectively to audiences up and down the organization so you can fulfill your most essential responsibilities as a leader.

“If you’re a micromanager, you need to know it’s not just ineffective—it’s also the most labor-intensive leadership style. When you read Communicate like a Leader, you’ll learn strategic communication skills that will improve your relationship with your people and actually make leading easier.” —Ken Blanchard, New York Times-bestselling coauthor of The New One Minute Manager


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