[ملخصات] 📘 ❞ Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills ❝ كتاب اصدار 2015

كتب الادب الانجليزى - 📖 ملخصات كتاب ❞ Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills ❝ ــ مجموعة من المؤلفين 📖

█ _ مجموعة من المؤلفين 2015 حصريا كتاب ❞ Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills ❝ عن جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف 2024 Skills: The commencement speech is the most popular public address of our time, shared every spring remembered for years Here, in an anthology some finest genre, brilliant creative minds sector offer their David Foster Wallace living a compassionate life, Debbie Millman importance taking risks, Michael Lewis responsibility that good fortune merits—and so many other greats Some this advice grand (believe impossible), it granular enough to check off life list (donate five percent your money or time) All universally uplifting Handsomely packaged cloth spine energetic typography throughout, book smart, special gift graduates anyone embarking new adventure كتب الادب الانجليزى مجاناً PDF اونلاين هذا القسم يشمل الاقسام الفرعية التي تحتوي علي لأدب الإنجليزي (بالإنجليزية: English literature) وهو ما يكتبه الكُتَّاب إنجلترا وأسكتلندا وويلز باللغة الإنجليزية مجالات الشعر والنثر والمسرحية أدب غني بالروائع مختلف المجالات الأدبية كما أنه أقدم الآداب الغربية This section includes sub sections contain literature, which what written by writers from England, Scotland Wales language poetry, prose drama areas ,

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Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills

Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills

ــ مجموعة من المؤلفين

صدر 2015م
Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills

Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills

صدر 2015م
عن كتاب Way More than Luck: Commencement Speeches on Living with Bravery, Empathy, and Other Existential Skills:
The commencement speech is the most popular public address of our time, shared every spring and remembered for years. Here, in an anthology of some of the finest of the genre, brilliant creative minds in every sector offer their David Foster Wallace on living a compassionate life, Debbie Millman on the importance of taking risks, Michael Lewis on the responsibility that good fortune merits—and so many other greats. Some of this advice is grand (believe in the impossible), and some of it is granular enough to check off a life list (donate five percent of your money or your time). All of it is universally uplifting. Handsomely packaged with a cloth spine and energetic typography throughout, this book is a smart, special gift for graduates and anyone embarking on a new adventure.


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109 إجمالي المشاهدات
رقم ISBN الدولي: 9781452135199 .
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