❞ كيف نعرف نصاب الزكاة
( كيف نعرف نصاب الزكاة في جميع أنحاء العالم)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الأمر سهل و يسير إن شاء الله تسأل عن ثمن 82 غرام من الذهب الخام في بلدك ، فإن توفر عندك ذلك الثمن أو أكثر فأخرج منه 2.5 في المئة و دائما إحرص على هذه العملية في أول السنة الهجرية حتى لا يختلط عليك الحساب ( كتب هذه التغريدة هشام المحجوبي و عبدالكريم صكاري)
Translation into English:
(How do we determine the Zakat threshold worldwide?)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The matter is easy and straightforward, God willing. You should inquire about the price of 82 grams of raw gold in your country. If you have that price or more, then give out 2.5 percent of it as Zakat. Always be diligent in this process at the beginning of the Hijri year to avoid confusion in your calculations. (This tweet was written by Hisham Al-Mahjoubi and Abdul Kareem Sakari). ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ كيف نعرف نصاب الزكاة
( كيف نعرف نصاب الزكاة في جميع أنحاء العالم)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الأمر سهل و يسير إن شاء الله تسأل عن ثمن 82 غرام من الذهب الخام في بلدك ، فإن توفر عندك ذلك الثمن أو أكثر فأخرج منه 2.5 في المئة و دائما إحرص على هذه العملية في أول السنة الهجرية حتى لا يختلط عليك الحساب ( كتب هذه التغريدة هشام المحجوبي و عبدالكريم صكاري)
Translation into English:
(How do we determine the Zakat threshold worldwide?)
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The matter is easy and straightforward, God willing. You should inquire about the price of 82 grams of raw gold in your country. If you have that price or more, then give out 2.5 percent of it as Zakat. Always be diligent in this process at the beginning of the Hijri year to avoid confusion in your calculations. (This tweet was written by Hisham Al-Mahjoubi and Abdul Kareem Sakari). ❝
❞ تذكرة للأغنياء (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بعد أيام إنشاء الله ستنتهي هذه السنة الهجرية و تبدأ سنة أخرى من هذه الدنيا ، و بهذه المناسبة نذكروا أغنياء أمتنا الكرام بحق الله في أموالهم الذي هو الركن الثاني من أركان الإسلام ، عن عبد الله بن عمر قال ، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (بُني الاسلام على خمس شهادة أن لاإله إلا الله و أن محمد رسول الله و إقام الصلاة و إيتاء الزكاة و صوم رمضان و الحج) فإياكم أن تتهاونو في الزكاة فإن أداءها على الوجه الأكمل بركة و تيسير ، و حفظ للنفس و المال و نماء له و وقاية من النار في الآخرة، و إن منع الزكاة أو أكل شيء منها مَحْق يصيب المال و النفس و الأهل ، و آفة تهلك الحرث و النسل ونار في الآخرة ، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (لم يمنعوا زكاة اموالهم إلا مُنعوا القطر من السماء، ولولا البهائم لم يُمطروا، ولم يَنْقُضُوا عهد الله وعهد رسوله إلا سلط الله عليهم عدوًّا من غيرهم فأخذوا بعض ما في أيديهم، وما لم تحكم أئمتهم بكتاب الله ويتخيروا مما أنزل الله إلا جعل الله بأسهم بينهم) و جرت العادة عندنا في المغرب أن الناس يخرجون زكاة أموالهم في أول السنة الهجرية حتى يضبطوا الحساب ، و منطلق هذه العادة المحمودة من فتاوى علماءنا و فقهاء الكرام فالقاعدة الأصولية تقول(العادة شريعة مُحَكَّمَة) فَلْنَحْسِب أموالنا المدخرة ورأس مال تجارتنا فإن إستوفى المال النصاب و مقداره ثمن إثنين وثمانين غرام من الذهب الخام فأخرج منه رُبْع العُشُرْ أقصد إثنين و نصف في المئة ثم تصدق بها على من يستحقها من الفقراء والمساكين و طلبة القرآن الكريم و العلم الشرعي و أصحاب الديون و حديثوا العهد بالإسلام و المهاجرين ، لقوله سبحانه (إِنَّمَا الصَّدَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا وَالْمُؤَلَّفَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَالْغَارِمِينَ وَفِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ ۖ فَرِيضَةً مِّنَ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ)
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. As the end of this Hijri year approaches, we remind the wealthy members of our community of their obligation in the sight of Allah towards their wealth, which is the second pillar of Islam. Abdullah ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, \"Islam is built on five (pillars): the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, establishing prayer, paying Zakat, fasting Ramadan, and performing pilgrimage to the House (Ka\'bah) if you are able to do so.\" Therefore, do not neglect the payment of Zakat, for its complete and proper payment brings blessings, protection for oneself and one\'s wealth, and growth in both. Failure to pay Zakat or taking from it unjustly harms one\'s wealth, soul, and family, and is a calamity that destroys crops and lineage, and leads to the fire of the hereafter. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, \"They did not withhold their Zakat except that they were prevented from rain from the sky, and if it were not for the animals, it would not have rained for them. And they did not violate the covenant of Allah and His Messenger except that Allah would send against them an enemy from among themselves who would take some of what was in their hands. And so long as their leaders did not judge according to the Book of Allah and chose from what Allah had revealed except that Allah would make their troubles among themselves.\" In Morocco, it is customary for people to pay their Zakat at the beginning of the Hijri year in order to settle their accounts. This commendable custom is based on the fatwas of our scholars and jurists, and the fundamental principle is that \"custom is a decisive factor in Islamic law.\" Therefore, let us calculate our saved money and capital of our businesses, and if the amount reaches the Nisab (minimum threshold), which is equivalent to eighty-two grams of raw gold, pay one-quarter of one-tenth or 2.5% of the total and give it in charity to those who deserve it, such as the poor, the needy, the Quranic students, the scholars of Islamic knowledge, the debtors, those who recently embraced Islam, and the travelers. Allah, the Most Wise, says, \"Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [Zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.\" And may peace, blessings, and mercy be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and all his companions.
#زكاة_المال #التصدق #حق_الله_في_أموالنا #العام_الهجري_الجديد #Zakat #Charity #RightofAllahinOurWealth #NewHijriYear. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ تذكرة للأغنياء (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بعد أيام إنشاء الله ستنتهي هذه السنة الهجرية و تبدأ سنة أخرى من هذه الدنيا ، و بهذه المناسبة نذكروا أغنياء أمتنا الكرام بحق الله في أموالهم الذي هو الركن الثاني من أركان الإسلام ، عن عبد الله بن عمر قال ، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (بُني الاسلام على خمس شهادة أن لاإله إلا الله و أن محمد رسول الله و إقام الصلاة و إيتاء الزكاة و صوم رمضان و الحج) فإياكم أن تتهاونو في الزكاة فإن أداءها على الوجه الأكمل بركة و تيسير ، و حفظ للنفس و المال و نماء له و وقاية من النار في الآخرة، و إن منع الزكاة أو أكل شيء منها مَحْق يصيب المال و النفس و الأهل ، و آفة تهلك الحرث و النسل ونار في الآخرة ، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (لم يمنعوا زكاة اموالهم إلا مُنعوا القطر من السماء، ولولا البهائم لم يُمطروا، ولم يَنْقُضُوا عهد الله وعهد رسوله إلا سلط الله عليهم عدوًّا من غيرهم فأخذوا بعض ما في أيديهم، وما لم تحكم أئمتهم بكتاب الله ويتخيروا مما أنزل الله إلا جعل الله بأسهم بينهم) و جرت العادة عندنا في المغرب أن الناس يخرجون زكاة أموالهم في أول السنة الهجرية حتى يضبطوا الحساب ، و منطلق هذه العادة المحمودة من فتاوى علماءنا و فقهاء الكرام فالقاعدة الأصولية تقول(العادة شريعة مُحَكَّمَة) فَلْنَحْسِب أموالنا المدخرة ورأس مال تجارتنا فإن إستوفى المال النصاب و مقداره ثمن إثنين وثمانين غرام من الذهب الخام فأخرج منه رُبْع العُشُرْ أقصد إثنين و نصف في المئة ثم تصدق بها على من يستحقها من الفقراء والمساكين و طلبة القرآن الكريم و العلم الشرعي و أصحاب الديون و حديثوا العهد بالإسلام و المهاجرين ، لقوله سبحانه (إِنَّمَا الصَّدَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا وَالْمُؤَلَّفَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَالْغَارِمِينَ وَفِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ ۖ فَرِيضَةً مِّنَ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ)
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. As the end of this Hijri year approaches, we remind the wealthy members of our community of their obligation in the sight of Allah towards their wealth, which is the second pillar of Islam. Abdullah ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, ˝Islam is built on five (pillars): the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, establishing prayer, paying Zakat, fasting Ramadan, and performing pilgrimage to the House (Ka˝bah) if you are able to do so.˝ Therefore, do not neglect the payment of Zakat, for its complete and proper payment brings blessings, protection for oneself and one˝s wealth, and growth in both. Failure to pay Zakat or taking from it unjustly harms one˝s wealth, soul, and family, and is a calamity that destroys crops and lineage, and leads to the fire of the hereafter. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ˝They did not withhold their Zakat except that they were prevented from rain from the sky, and if it were not for the animals, it would not have rained for them. And they did not violate the covenant of Allah and His Messenger except that Allah would send against them an enemy from among themselves who would take some of what was in their hands. And so long as their leaders did not judge according to the Book of Allah and chose from what Allah had revealed except that Allah would make their troubles among themselves.˝ In Morocco, it is customary for people to pay their Zakat at the beginning of the Hijri year in order to settle their accounts. This commendable custom is based on the fatwas of our scholars and jurists, and the fundamental principle is that ˝custom is a decisive factor in Islamic law.˝ Therefore, let us calculate our saved money and capital of our businesses, and if the amount reaches the Nisab (minimum threshold), which is equivalent to eighty-two grams of raw gold, pay one-quarter of one-tenth or 2.5% of the total and give it in charity to those who deserve it, such as the poor, the needy, the Quranic students, the scholars of Islamic knowledge, the debtors, those who recently embraced Islam, and the travelers. Allah, the Most Wise, says, ˝Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [Zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.˝ And may peace, blessings, and mercy be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and all his companions.
❞ مسألة مهمة في القدر (جواب الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جاءني سؤال من إمرأة مسيحية برتغالية تقول السائلة إذا كان مقدرا على الإنسان أنه سيعصي الله أو أنه سيدخل جهنم فلماذا سيعاقب على أمر مقدر عليه؟
#جواب #الشيخ #هشام #المحجوبي:
هذا السؤال و هذا الإشكال يَشْتَبِهُ على كثير من الناس بسبب عدم التفريق بين القدر و كتابته و الإجبار على الفعل ، فالله سبحانه و تعالى يعلم الغيب ، أعني ما سيقع في المستقبل ، فعلم بعض الناس سيكفرون به و سيعصون رسله بكامل إرادتهم و إختيارهم ، فكتب ذلك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل أن يخلق السماوات و الأرض بخمسين ألف سنة ، و هذا في حديث عبد الله بن عمرو الصحيح ، فهذا القدر المكتوب في اللوح المحفوظ لا يعني أنه سبحانه وتعالى أجبرهم عليه ، فالصورة أنه علم أنهم سيكفرون فكتب ذالك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل خلق العَالَم بخمسين ألف سنة ، أعطي مثالا واقعيا حتى نفهم جميعا ، عندنا أستاذ له خبرة كبيرة بتلاميذه و قبل الإمتحان كتب في ورقة التلميذ زيد سيفشل في الإمتحان ، و هذا التقييم إنطلاقا من معرفته بمستواه في الفصل الدراسي ، و في الإختبار فعلا فشل زيد في الإمتحان هل يعني هذا أن الأستاذ أجبر زيد على السقوط في الإمتحان ، الجواب لاااا ، إذن الجميع يتحمل مسؤوليته ، لأن الله أعطانا الإختيار الكامل بين الخير و الشر و الحق و الباطل و الكفر و الإيمان و طاعته و معصيته ، فمن إختار طريقا فعليه أن يتحمل مسؤوليته يوم القيامة ، أما جواب الشق الثاني من السؤال ، الله تعالى جعل هذه الدنيا إختبارا للإنسان و حجة عليه و من أسماءه سبحانه وتعالى العدل ، فلا يمكن أن يعذِّب إنسانا في جهنم حتى يبيِن له الحق عن طريق أنبياءه و أتباعهم و كتبه السماوية ، ويفعل الإنسان ذلك الضلم أو الكفر أو الذنب و هو بكامل قواه العقلية حتى اذا أدخله النار عذبه بحجة بينة ليس فيها أدنى شُبْهَةِ ضُلْمٍ ، أما الأمور التي أجبر عليها الإنسان في هذه الدنيا فهي قليلة و لا علاقة لها بالكفر و الإيمان و الطاعة و المعصية والحق و الباطل و الضلم و العدل ، هي عبارة عن أمور خلقية كبلد الإنسان و لغته و لونه و موعد ولادته و وفاته و رزقه ، عموما الأمور التي لا تحاسب عليها يوم القيامة فلا يمكن أن يحاسبك الله على بلدك و وفاتك ولونك .
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
I received a question from a Portuguese Christian woman who asked: \"If it is predetermined for a person to disobey Allah or to enter hell, why would he be punished for something that was predetermined for him?\"
In response, I would like to say that this question and this confusion arises for many people due to their lack of differentiation between predestination and coercion to perform an action. Allah, the Most High, knows the unseen, that is, what will happen in the future. Some people will disbelieve in Him and disobey His messengers by their own will and choice. Allah wrote this in the Preserved Tablet before He created the heavens and the earth, fifty thousand years before that, as mentioned in the authentic hadith of Abdullah ibn Amr.
This predestined fate in the Preserved Tablet does not mean that Allah forced them to do so. Rather, the reality is that He knew that they would disbelieve, so He wrote that in the Preserved Tablet before creating the universe. Let me give you a real example to understand this better: We have a teacher who has a lot of experience with his students, and before the exam, he writes on a student\'s paper that he will fail the exam based on his performance in the classroom. In the exam, the student really fails. Does this mean that the teacher forced him to fail the exam? The answer is no.
Therefore, everyone bears responsibility for their own choices between good and evil, truth and falsehood, disbelief and faith, obedience and disobedience to Allah. Whoever chooses a path must bear responsibility for it on the Day of Judgment. As for the second part of the question, Allah made this world a test for human beings and a proof against them. One of His names is the Just, and therefore, He cannot punish a person in hellfire until He has made the truth clear to him through His prophets, their followers, and His heavenly books.
If a person commits injustice, disbelief, or sin while using his full mental powers, then when he enters the hellfire, he will be punished with a clear argument that does not contain the slightest hint of injustice. However, as for the matters that a person is forced to do in this world, they are few and have no relation to disbelief, faith, obedience, disobedience, justice, or injustice. They are just natural things like the country a person is born in, his language, color, date of birth, and death. Generally, matters that are not accountable on the Day of Judgment are not subject to punishment, such as a person\'s country, date of birth, or color.
May Allah bless and grant peace upon our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions.
Em nome de Allah, o Mais Misericordioso, o Mais Compassivo.
Recebi uma pergunta de uma mulher cristã portuguesa que perguntou: \"Se já está destinado para uma pessoa desobedecer a Allah ou entrar no inferno, por que ela seria punida por algo que já estava destinado para ela?\"
Em resposta, gostaria de dizer que essa pergunta e essa confusão surgem para muitas pessoas devido à sua falta de diferenciação entre predestinação e coerção para realizar uma ação. Allah, o Altíssimo, conhece o oculto, ou seja, o que acontecerá no futuro. Algumas pessoas não acreditarão nele e desobedecerão seus mensageiros por sua própria vontade e escolha. Allah escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar os céus e a terra, cinquenta mil anos antes disso, como mencionado no hadith autêntico de Abdullah ibn Amr.
Este destino predestinado na Tábua Preservada não significa que Allah os forçou a fazê-lo. A realidade é que Ele sabia que eles não acreditariam, então Ele escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar o universo. Deixe-me dar um exemplo real para entender isso melhor: Temos um professor que tem muita experiência com seus alunos e, antes do exame, ele escreve no papel de um aluno que ele vai falhar no exame com base no desempenho dele na sala de aula. No exame, o aluno realmente fracassa. Isso significa que o professor o forçou a fracassar no exame? A resposta é não.
Portanto, cada um é responsável por suas próprias escolhas entre o bem e o mal, a verdade e a falsidade, a descrença e a fé, a obediência e a desobediência a Allah. Quem escolhe um caminho deve assumir a responsabilidade por ele no Dia do Julgamento. Quanto à segunda parte da pergunta, Allah fez deste mundo um teste para os seres humanos e uma prova contra eles. Um de Seus nomes é o Justo e, portanto, Ele não pode punir uma pessoa no fogo do inferno até ter deixado a verdade clara para ela por meio de Seus profetas, seus seguidores e Seus livros divinos.
Se uma pessoa comete injustiça, descrença ou pecado enquanto usa todo o seu poder mental, quando entra no fogo do inferno, será punida com um argumento claro que não contém a menor sugestão de injustiça. No entanto, quanto às questões que uma pessoa é forçada a fazer neste mundo, elas são poucas e não têm relação com descrença, fé, obediência, desobediência, justiça ou injustiça. São apenas coisas naturais como o país em que uma pessoa nasce, sua língua, cor, data de nascimento e morte. Geralmente, as questões que não são responsabilizadas no Dia do Julgamento não estão sujeitas a punição, como o país de uma pessoa, data de nascimento ou cor.
Que Allah abençoe e conceda paz a nosso mestre Muhammad, sua família e seus companheiros.
#الله #الإسلام #القرآن #السنة #الإيمان #التوحيد #الصلاة #الصيام #الزكاة #الحج #الجهاد #الأخلاق #الرحمة #العدل #الصبر #التسامح #التعايش #السلام #البرتغال #البرتغالية #الكنيسة #المسيحية #الإيمان #الصلاة #الصوم #التجسد #الصليب #الرحمة #العدل
#Allah #Islam #Quran #Sunnah #faith #Tawheed #prayer #fasting #zakat #hajj #jihad #morality #mercy #justice #patience #tolerance #coexistence #peace #Portugal #Portuguese #church #Christianity #faith #prayer #fasting #incarnation #cross #mercy #justice
#Allah #Islã #Alcorão #Sunnah #fé #Tawheed #oração #jejum #zakat #hajj #jihad #moralidade #misericórdia #justiça #paciente #tolerância #coexistência #paz #Portugal #português #igreja #cristianismo #fé #oração #jejum #encarnação #cruz #misericórdia #justiça. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ مسألة مهمة في القدر (جواب الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جاءني سؤال من إمرأة مسيحية برتغالية تقول السائلة إذا كان مقدرا على الإنسان أنه سيعصي الله أو أنه سيدخل جهنم فلماذا سيعاقب على أمر مقدر عليه؟
هذا السؤال و هذا الإشكال يَشْتَبِهُ على كثير من الناس بسبب عدم التفريق بين القدر و كتابته و الإجبار على الفعل ، فالله سبحانه و تعالى يعلم الغيب ، أعني ما سيقع في المستقبل ، فعلم بعض الناس سيكفرون به و سيعصون رسله بكامل إرادتهم و إختيارهم ، فكتب ذلك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل أن يخلق السماوات و الأرض بخمسين ألف سنة ، و هذا في حديث عبد الله بن عمرو الصحيح ، فهذا القدر المكتوب في اللوح المحفوظ لا يعني أنه سبحانه وتعالى أجبرهم عليه ، فالصورة أنه علم أنهم سيكفرون فكتب ذالك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل خلق العَالَم بخمسين ألف سنة ، أعطي مثالا واقعيا حتى نفهم جميعا ، عندنا أستاذ له خبرة كبيرة بتلاميذه و قبل الإمتحان كتب في ورقة التلميذ زيد سيفشل في الإمتحان ، و هذا التقييم إنطلاقا من معرفته بمستواه في الفصل الدراسي ، و في الإختبار فعلا فشل زيد في الإمتحان هل يعني هذا أن الأستاذ أجبر زيد على السقوط في الإمتحان ، الجواب لاااا ، إذن الجميع يتحمل مسؤوليته ، لأن الله أعطانا الإختيار الكامل بين الخير و الشر و الحق و الباطل و الكفر و الإيمان و طاعته و معصيته ، فمن إختار طريقا فعليه أن يتحمل مسؤوليته يوم القيامة ، أما جواب الشق الثاني من السؤال ، الله تعالى جعل هذه الدنيا إختبارا للإنسان و حجة عليه و من أسماءه سبحانه وتعالى العدل ، فلا يمكن أن يعذِّب إنسانا في جهنم حتى يبيِن له الحق عن طريق أنبياءه و أتباعهم و كتبه السماوية ، ويفعل الإنسان ذلك الضلم أو الكفر أو الذنب و هو بكامل قواه العقلية حتى اذا أدخله النار عذبه بحجة بينة ليس فيها أدنى شُبْهَةِ ضُلْمٍ ، أما الأمور التي أجبر عليها الإنسان في هذه الدنيا فهي قليلة و لا علاقة لها بالكفر و الإيمان و الطاعة و المعصية والحق و الباطل و الضلم و العدل ، هي عبارة عن أمور خلقية كبلد الإنسان و لغته و لونه و موعد ولادته و وفاته و رزقه ، عموما الأمور التي لا تحاسب عليها يوم القيامة فلا يمكن أن يحاسبك الله على بلدك و وفاتك ولونك .
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
I received a question from a Portuguese Christian woman who asked: ˝If it is predetermined for a person to disobey Allah or to enter hell, why would he be punished for something that was predetermined for him?˝
In response, I would like to say that this question and this confusion arises for many people due to their lack of differentiation between predestination and coercion to perform an action. Allah, the Most High, knows the unseen, that is, what will happen in the future. Some people will disbelieve in Him and disobey His messengers by their own will and choice. Allah wrote this in the Preserved Tablet before He created the heavens and the earth, fifty thousand years before that, as mentioned in the authentic hadith of Abdullah ibn Amr.
This predestined fate in the Preserved Tablet does not mean that Allah forced them to do so. Rather, the reality is that He knew that they would disbelieve, so He wrote that in the Preserved Tablet before creating the universe. Let me give you a real example to understand this better: We have a teacher who has a lot of experience with his students, and before the exam, he writes on a student˝s paper that he will fail the exam based on his performance in the classroom. In the exam, the student really fails. Does this mean that the teacher forced him to fail the exam? The answer is no.
Therefore, everyone bears responsibility for their own choices between good and evil, truth and falsehood, disbelief and faith, obedience and disobedience to Allah. Whoever chooses a path must bear responsibility for it on the Day of Judgment. As for the second part of the question, Allah made this world a test for human beings and a proof against them. One of His names is the Just, and therefore, He cannot punish a person in hellfire until He has made the truth clear to him through His prophets, their followers, and His heavenly books.
If a person commits injustice, disbelief, or sin while using his full mental powers, then when he enters the hellfire, he will be punished with a clear argument that does not contain the slightest hint of injustice. However, as for the matters that a person is forced to do in this world, they are few and have no relation to disbelief, faith, obedience, disobedience, justice, or injustice. They are just natural things like the country a person is born in, his language, color, date of birth, and death. Generally, matters that are not accountable on the Day of Judgment are not subject to punishment, such as a person˝s country, date of birth, or color.
May Allah bless and grant peace upon our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions.
Em nome de Allah, o Mais Misericordioso, o Mais Compassivo.
Recebi uma pergunta de uma mulher cristã portuguesa que perguntou: ˝Se já está destinado para uma pessoa desobedecer a Allah ou entrar no inferno, por que ela seria punida por algo que já estava destinado para ela?˝
Em resposta, gostaria de dizer que essa pergunta e essa confusão surgem para muitas pessoas devido à sua falta de diferenciação entre predestinação e coerção para realizar uma ação. Allah, o Altíssimo, conhece o oculto, ou seja, o que acontecerá no futuro. Algumas pessoas não acreditarão nele e desobedecerão seus mensageiros por sua própria vontade e escolha. Allah escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar os céus e a terra, cinquenta mil anos antes disso, como mencionado no hadith autêntico de Abdullah ibn Amr.
Este destino predestinado na Tábua Preservada não significa que Allah os forçou a fazê-lo. A realidade é que Ele sabia que eles não acreditariam, então Ele escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar o universo. Deixe-me dar um exemplo real para entender isso melhor: Temos um professor que tem muita experiência com seus alunos e, antes do exame, ele escreve no papel de um aluno que ele vai falhar no exame com base no desempenho dele na sala de aula. No exame, o aluno realmente fracassa. Isso significa que o professor o forçou a fracassar no exame? A resposta é não.
Portanto, cada um é responsável por suas próprias escolhas entre o bem e o mal, a verdade e a falsidade, a descrença e a fé, a obediência e a desobediência a Allah. Quem escolhe um caminho deve assumir a responsabilidade por ele no Dia do Julgamento. Quanto à segunda parte da pergunta, Allah fez deste mundo um teste para os seres humanos e uma prova contra eles. Um de Seus nomes é o Justo e, portanto, Ele não pode punir uma pessoa no fogo do inferno até ter deixado a verdade clara para ela por meio de Seus profetas, seus seguidores e Seus livros divinos.
Se uma pessoa comete injustiça, descrença ou pecado enquanto usa todo o seu poder mental, quando entra no fogo do inferno, será punida com um argumento claro que não contém a menor sugestão de injustiça. No entanto, quanto às questões que uma pessoa é forçada a fazer neste mundo, elas são poucas e não têm relação com descrença, fé, obediência, desobediência, justiça ou injustiça. São apenas coisas naturais como o país em que uma pessoa nasce, sua língua, cor, data de nascimento e morte. Geralmente, as questões que não são responsabilizadas no Dia do Julgamento não estão sujeitas a punição, como o país de uma pessoa, data de nascimento ou cor.
Que Allah abençoe e conceda paz a nosso mestre Muhammad, sua família e seus companheiros.