❞ ميزان الإيمان (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يقول سبحانه و تعالى (وَلَا تَنكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكَاتِ حَتَّىٰ يُؤْمِنَّ ۚ وَلَأَمَةٌ مُّؤْمِنَةٌ خَيْرٌ مِّن مُّشْرِكَةٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَتْكُمْ ۗ) نستفيد من هذه الآية أن الحب يجب أن يكون خالصا لله ، فاذا توفر في إمرأة كل ما يتمانه الرجل في هذه الدنيا فلا يجوز له أن يحبها حتى تتوفر فيها الصفة الأعضم و هي صفة الإيمان ، فالإعجاب لا يعني الحب ، فهو مجرد مقدمة للحب ، قد تعجب بشيء من جهة و تكرهه من جهات أما إن ثبت الحب فإنه يكون من جميع الجهات أو أغلبها و يكون مستمرا . فعند المؤمن خبث الكفر و الشرك بالله و الفجور و معصيته سبحانه ، يدنس الجمال و المال و النسب و الحسب ، لأن المؤمن مِلكٌ لله يحبه و يقدمه على كل شيء ، لذلك إبراهيم عليه السلام قَبِل بسرعة أمر الله بذبح ولده إسماعيل عليه السلام ، هذا منهج أهل الله في هذه الدنيا.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Allah, the Almighty, says in the Quran, \"And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you.\" We learn from this verse that love should be pure for the sake of Allah. Therefore, if a woman has everything a man desires in this world, it is not permissible for him to love her until she has the greatest quality, which is faith. Infatuation does not mean love, it is only a prelude to love. Infatuation may arise from one aspect of a person, but love is comprehensive and enduring. For a believer, the ugliness of disbelief, associating partners with Allah, immorality, and disobedience to Allah defiles beauty, wealth, lineage, and status. This is because a believer belongs to Allah, and he loves Allah more than anything else. This is why Prophet Ibrahim accepted Allah\'s command to sacrifice his son Ismail quickly. This is the methodology of the people of Allah in this world. This tweet was written by Sheikh Hisham El-Mehdioubi Al-Marakechi.
#PureLove #Faith #Believer #Polytheist #LoveAndInfatuation #LoveTopic #Ibrahim #LoveForAllah #SheikhHishamElMehdioubiAlMarakechi
#الحب_الخالص #الإيمان #المؤمن #المشركة #الحب_والإعجاب #موضوع_الحب #إبراهيم #المحبة_في_الله #الشيخ_هشام_المحجوبي_المراكشي. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ ميزان الإيمان (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يقول سبحانه و تعالى (وَلَا تَنكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكَاتِ حَتَّىٰ يُؤْمِنَّ ۚ وَلَأَمَةٌ مُّؤْمِنَةٌ خَيْرٌ مِّن مُّشْرِكَةٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَتْكُمْ ۗ) نستفيد من هذه الآية أن الحب يجب أن يكون خالصا لله ، فاذا توفر في إمرأة كل ما يتمانه الرجل في هذه الدنيا فلا يجوز له أن يحبها حتى تتوفر فيها الصفة الأعضم و هي صفة الإيمان ، فالإعجاب لا يعني الحب ، فهو مجرد مقدمة للحب ، قد تعجب بشيء من جهة و تكرهه من جهات أما إن ثبت الحب فإنه يكون من جميع الجهات أو أغلبها و يكون مستمرا . فعند المؤمن خبث الكفر و الشرك بالله و الفجور و معصيته سبحانه ، يدنس الجمال و المال و النسب و الحسب ، لأن المؤمن مِلكٌ لله يحبه و يقدمه على كل شيء ، لذلك إبراهيم عليه السلام قَبِل بسرعة أمر الله بذبح ولده إسماعيل عليه السلام ، هذا منهج أهل الله في هذه الدنيا.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Allah, the Almighty, says in the Quran, ˝And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you.˝ We learn from this verse that love should be pure for the sake of Allah. Therefore, if a woman has everything a man desires in this world, it is not permissible for him to love her until she has the greatest quality, which is faith. Infatuation does not mean love, it is only a prelude to love. Infatuation may arise from one aspect of a person, but love is comprehensive and enduring. For a believer, the ugliness of disbelief, associating partners with Allah, immorality, and disobedience to Allah defiles beauty, wealth, lineage, and status. This is because a believer belongs to Allah, and he loves Allah more than anything else. This is why Prophet Ibrahim accepted Allah˝s command to sacrifice his son Ismail quickly. This is the methodology of the people of Allah in this world. This tweet was written by Sheikh Hisham El-Mehdioubi Al-Marakechi.
❞ تأملات في قوله تعالى(كَلَّا ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ نَزَّاعَةً لِّلشَّوَىٰ
تَدْعُو مَنْ أَدْبَرَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ وَجَمَعَ فَأَوْعَىٰ) الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(كلا إنها لظى) : هذه صفة جهنم أي شديد الحرارة و في حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (نار الدنيا جزء من سبعين جزءا من نار الآخرة)
(نزاعة للشوى) : أي من شدة حرها و حريقها تشوي الجلد و تنزعه من الجسد
(تدعو من أدبر و تولى) : قيل دعوة النار هنا مجازية اي يكتب فيها مقعد كل معذَّب وقيل المعنى حقيقي و هذا هو الصحيح و الله اعلم اي يسمع الشقيُ نداء النار تقول له تعالى يا من عصى الله و تجرأ عليه بالكفر و الذنوب ، من ادبر و تولى من صفات اهل النار انهم يقابلون الإسلام بالضهر و يتخلفون عن دعوة النبي
(وجمع فأوعى) : و من صفاتهم ايضا الجشع و النهم في إتباع الشهوات وجمع الأموال في الأوعية و البنوك
و الخلاصة ان الله تعالى من عدله و كماله انه يعذب الكافر الظالم المستهزء بربه حتي يعلم أنه ملك لله و ان وعده سبحانه صادق و انه هو القوي الجبار الذي لا يغلب فحقيقة الأسماء الحسنى و الصفات العلا تظهر للإنسان يوم القيامة إذن علينا أن نتدارك ما فاتنا بالتوبة و الإستغفار و الإقبال على الله قبل فوات الأوان .
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
\"By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\], stripping away the skin, calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\], and gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it.\" (Quran 70:15-18)
\"By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\]\": This is a description of Hellfire, indicating its intense heat. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, \"The fire of this world is one-seventieth of the Fire of the Hereafter.\"
\"Stripping away the skin\": It refers to the severity of its heat and the burning that causes the skin to peel off the body.
\"Calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\]\": The call of the Fire here is metaphorical, meaning that it exposes and highlights the disobedience of those who turned away from Allah and rejected the truth. It addresses the wicked and says, \"O you who disobeyed Allah and dared to commit disbelief and sins!\"
\"And gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it\": Among their characteristics is greed and the accumulation of wealth in banks and containers.
In conclusion, Allah, in His justice and perfection, punishes the disbeliever who mocks his Lord, so that they may realize that He is the Sovereign, and His promises are true. He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, who cannot be overcome. The reality of the beautiful names and lofty attributes of Allah will become apparent to humans on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and turn to Allah before it\'s too late.
#تأملات_في_قوله_تعالى #النار_الدنيا_والآخرة #التوبة_والإستغفار #يوم_القيامة
#ReflectionsOnAllah\'sWords #FireOfThisWorldAndHereafter #RepentanceAndForgiveness #DayOfJudgment. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ تأملات في قوله تعالى(كَلَّا ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ نَزَّاعَةً لِّلشَّوَىٰ
تَدْعُو مَنْ أَدْبَرَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ وَجَمَعَ فَأَوْعَىٰ) الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(كلا إنها لظى) : هذه صفة جهنم أي شديد الحرارة و في حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (نار الدنيا جزء من سبعين جزءا من نار الآخرة)
(نزاعة للشوى) : أي من شدة حرها و حريقها تشوي الجلد و تنزعه من الجسد
(تدعو من أدبر و تولى) : قيل دعوة النار هنا مجازية اي يكتب فيها مقعد كل معذَّب وقيل المعنى حقيقي و هذا هو الصحيح و الله اعلم اي يسمع الشقيُ نداء النار تقول له تعالى يا من عصى الله و تجرأ عليه بالكفر و الذنوب ، من ادبر و تولى من صفات اهل النار انهم يقابلون الإسلام بالضهر و يتخلفون عن دعوة النبي
(وجمع فأوعى) : و من صفاتهم ايضا الجشع و النهم في إتباع الشهوات وجمع الأموال في الأوعية و البنوك
و الخلاصة ان الله تعالى من عدله و كماله انه يعذب الكافر الظالم المستهزء بربه حتي يعلم أنه ملك لله و ان وعده سبحانه صادق و انه هو القوي الجبار الذي لا يغلب فحقيقة الأسماء الحسنى و الصفات العلا تظهر للإنسان يوم القيامة إذن علينا أن نتدارك ما فاتنا بالتوبة و الإستغفار و الإقبال على الله قبل فوات الأوان .
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
˝By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\], stripping away the skin, calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\], and gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it.˝ (Quran 70:15-18)
˝By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\]˝: This is a description of Hellfire, indicating its intense heat. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, ˝The fire of this world is one-seventieth of the Fire of the Hereafter.˝
˝Stripping away the skin˝: It refers to the severity of its heat and the burning that causes the skin to peel off the body.
˝Calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\]˝: The call of the Fire here is metaphorical, meaning that it exposes and highlights the disobedience of those who turned away from Allah and rejected the truth. It addresses the wicked and says, ˝O you who disobeyed Allah and dared to commit disbelief and sins!˝
˝And gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it˝: Among their characteristics is greed and the accumulation of wealth in banks and containers.
In conclusion, Allah, in His justice and perfection, punishes the disbeliever who mocks his Lord, so that they may realize that He is the Sovereign, and His promises are true. He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, who cannot be overcome. The reality of the beautiful names and lofty attributes of Allah will become apparent to humans on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and turn to Allah before it˝s too late.
❞ لماذا يعافى و ينعم الكافر و الفاجر (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(وَلَا تَمُدنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتعْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجا منهُم زهرةَ الْحَياة الدنْيَا لِنفْتِنهمْ فيهِ ۚوَرزْقُ رَبكَ خَير وَأَبْقَىٰ) في هذه الآية الكريمة نهانا سبحانه و تعالى على أن نُفْتَن و نعظِم من شأن نعيم و عافية الكافر و الفاجر في هذه الدنيا لأن ذلك النعيم مجرد إختبار إلاهي و ربما إستدراج من الله يدل على بغض الله تعالى لذلك الكافر أو الفاجر حتى يضن أنه على خير ثم يأتيه الموت بغثة فيجد نفسه في العذاب الأبدي وهذا بسبب ضلمة قلبه و خبث نفسه و اما معنى قوله تعالى (ورزق ربك خير و ابقي) أي نعيم الجنة خير من نعيم الدنيا القليل و المنتهي و أبقى أي نعيم أبدي لا نهاية له.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Allah, the Exalted, warns us in the following Quranic verse: \"And do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to \\[some\\] categories of them, \\[its being but\\] the splendor of worldly life by which We test them. And the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring.\" (Surah Ta-Ha, 20:131)
This verse highlights that the prosperity and enjoyment granted to disbelievers and wrongdoers in this worldly life is merely a test from Allah. It is not an indication of His pleasure or favor towards them. Allah may allow them to enjoy temporary blessings as a means of testing them. However, their hearts may be veiled from the truth, and their souls corrupted. Eventually, death will come to them suddenly, leading them to eternal punishment.
The phrase \"the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring\" refers to the eternal and limitless blessings of Paradise, which are far superior to the fleeting and limited pleasures of this worldly life.
#الكفر #الفجور #الاختبار #النعيم_الدنيوي #الجنة
#Disbelief #Wrongdoing #Testing #WorldlyPleasures #Paradise. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ لماذا يعافى و ينعم الكافر و الفاجر (الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(وَلَا تَمُدنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتعْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجا منهُم زهرةَ الْحَياة الدنْيَا لِنفْتِنهمْ فيهِ ۚوَرزْقُ رَبكَ خَير وَأَبْقَىٰ) في هذه الآية الكريمة نهانا سبحانه و تعالى على أن نُفْتَن و نعظِم من شأن نعيم و عافية الكافر و الفاجر في هذه الدنيا لأن ذلك النعيم مجرد إختبار إلاهي و ربما إستدراج من الله يدل على بغض الله تعالى لذلك الكافر أو الفاجر حتى يضن أنه على خير ثم يأتيه الموت بغثة فيجد نفسه في العذاب الأبدي وهذا بسبب ضلمة قلبه و خبث نفسه و اما معنى قوله تعالى (ورزق ربك خير و ابقي) أي نعيم الجنة خير من نعيم الدنيا القليل و المنتهي و أبقى أي نعيم أبدي لا نهاية له.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Allah, the Exalted, warns us in the following Quranic verse: ˝And do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to \\[some\\] categories of them, \\[its being but\\] the splendor of worldly life by which We test them. And the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring.˝ (Surah Ta-Ha, 20:131)
This verse highlights that the prosperity and enjoyment granted to disbelievers and wrongdoers in this worldly life is merely a test from Allah. It is not an indication of His pleasure or favor towards them. Allah may allow them to enjoy temporary blessings as a means of testing them. However, their hearts may be veiled from the truth, and their souls corrupted. Eventually, death will come to them suddenly, leading them to eternal punishment.
The phrase ˝the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring˝ refers to the eternal and limitless blessings of Paradise, which are far superior to the fleeting and limited pleasures of this worldly life.
❞ تأملات في قوله تعالى(كَلَّا ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ نَزَّاعَةً لِّلشَّوَىٰ
تَدْعُو مَنْ أَدْبَرَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ وَجَمَعَ فَأَوْعَىٰ) الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(كلا إنها لظى) : هذه صفة جهنم أي شديد الحرارة و في حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (نار الدنيا جزء من سبعين جزءا من نار الآخرة)
(نزاعة للشوى) : أي من شدة حرها و حريقها تشوي الجلد و تنزعه من الجسد
(تدعو من أدبر و تولى) : قيل دعوة النار هنا مجازية اي يكتب فيها مقعد كل معذَّب وقيل المعنى حقيقي و هذا هو الصحيح و الله اعلم اي يسمع الشقيُ نداء النار تقول له تعالى يا من عصى الله و تجرأ عليه بالكفر و الذنوب ، من ادبر و تولى من صفات اهل النار انهم يقابلون الإسلام بالضهر و يتخلفون عن دعوة النبي
(وجمع فأوعى) : و من صفاتهم ايضا الجشع و النهم في إتباع الشهوات وجمع الأموال في الأوعية و البنوك
و الخلاصة ان الله تعالى من عدله و كماله انه يعذب الكافر الظالم المستهزء بربه حتي يعلم أنه ملك لله و ان وعده سبحانه صادق و انه هو القوي الجبار الذي لا يغلب فحقيقة الأسماء الحسنى و الصفات العلا تظهر للإنسان يوم القيامة إذن علينا أن نتدارك ما فاتنا بالتوبة و الإستغفار و الإقبال على الله قبل فوات الأوان .
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
\"By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\], stripping away the skin, calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\], and gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it.\" (Quran 70:15-18)
\"By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\]\": This is a description of Hellfire, indicating its intense heat. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, \"The fire of this world is one-seventieth of the Fire of the Hereafter.\"
\"Stripping away the skin\": It refers to the severity of its heat and the burning that causes the skin to peel off the body.
\"Calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\]\": The call of the Fire here is metaphorical, meaning that it exposes and highlights the disobedience of those who turned away from Allah and rejected the truth. It addresses the wicked and says, \"O you who disobeyed Allah and dared to commit disbelief and sins!\"
\"And gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it\": Among their characteristics is greed and the accumulation of wealth in banks and containers.
In conclusion, Allah, in His justice and perfection, punishes the disbeliever who mocks his Lord, so that they may realize that He is the Sovereign, and His promises are true. He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, who cannot be overcome. The reality of the beautiful names and lofty attributes of Allah will become apparent to humans on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and turn to Allah before it\'s too late.
#تأملات_في_قوله_تعالى #النار_الدنيا_والآخرة #التوبة_والإستغفار #يوم_القيامة
#ReflectionsOnAllah\'sWords #FireOfThisWorldAndHereafter #RepentanceAndForgiveness #DayOfJudgment. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ تأملات في قوله تعالى(كَلَّا ۖ إِنَّهَا لَظَىٰ نَزَّاعَةً لِّلشَّوَىٰ
تَدْعُو مَنْ أَدْبَرَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ وَجَمَعَ فَأَوْعَىٰ) الشيخ هشام المحجوبي المراكشي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(كلا إنها لظى) : هذه صفة جهنم أي شديد الحرارة و في حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم (نار الدنيا جزء من سبعين جزءا من نار الآخرة)
(نزاعة للشوى) : أي من شدة حرها و حريقها تشوي الجلد و تنزعه من الجسد
(تدعو من أدبر و تولى) : قيل دعوة النار هنا مجازية اي يكتب فيها مقعد كل معذَّب وقيل المعنى حقيقي و هذا هو الصحيح و الله اعلم اي يسمع الشقيُ نداء النار تقول له تعالى يا من عصى الله و تجرأ عليه بالكفر و الذنوب ، من ادبر و تولى من صفات اهل النار انهم يقابلون الإسلام بالضهر و يتخلفون عن دعوة النبي
(وجمع فأوعى) : و من صفاتهم ايضا الجشع و النهم في إتباع الشهوات وجمع الأموال في الأوعية و البنوك
و الخلاصة ان الله تعالى من عدله و كماله انه يعذب الكافر الظالم المستهزء بربه حتي يعلم أنه ملك لله و ان وعده سبحانه صادق و انه هو القوي الجبار الذي لا يغلب فحقيقة الأسماء الحسنى و الصفات العلا تظهر للإنسان يوم القيامة إذن علينا أن نتدارك ما فاتنا بالتوبة و الإستغفار و الإقبال على الله قبل فوات الأوان .
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
˝By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\], stripping away the skin, calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\], and gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it.˝ (Quran 70:15-18)
˝By no means! Indeed, it is a Flame \\[of fire\\]˝: This is a description of Hellfire, indicating its intense heat. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, ˝The fire of this world is one-seventieth of the Fire of the Hereafter.˝
˝Stripping away the skin˝: It refers to the severity of its heat and the burning that causes the skin to peel off the body.
˝Calling out whoever turned their back \\[on truth\\] and went away \\[from it\\]˝: The call of the Fire here is metaphorical, meaning that it exposes and highlights the disobedience of those who turned away from Allah and rejected the truth. It addresses the wicked and says, ˝O you who disobeyed Allah and dared to commit disbelief and sins!˝
˝And gathered \\[wealth\\] and hoarded it˝: Among their characteristics is greed and the accumulation of wealth in banks and containers.
In conclusion, Allah, in His justice and perfection, punishes the disbeliever who mocks his Lord, so that they may realize that He is the Sovereign, and His promises are true. He is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, who cannot be overcome. The reality of the beautiful names and lofty attributes of Allah will become apparent to humans on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to repent, seek forgiveness, and turn to Allah before it˝s too late.
❞ مسألة مهمة في القدر (جواب الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جاءني سؤال من إمرأة مسيحية برتغالية تقول السائلة إذا كان مقدرا على الإنسان أنه سيعصي الله أو أنه سيدخل جهنم فلماذا سيعاقب على أمر مقدر عليه؟
#جواب #الشيخ #هشام #المحجوبي:
هذا السؤال و هذا الإشكال يَشْتَبِهُ على كثير من الناس بسبب عدم التفريق بين القدر و كتابته و الإجبار على الفعل ، فالله سبحانه و تعالى يعلم الغيب ، أعني ما سيقع في المستقبل ، فعلم بعض الناس سيكفرون به و سيعصون رسله بكامل إرادتهم و إختيارهم ، فكتب ذلك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل أن يخلق السماوات و الأرض بخمسين ألف سنة ، و هذا في حديث عبد الله بن عمرو الصحيح ، فهذا القدر المكتوب في اللوح المحفوظ لا يعني أنه سبحانه وتعالى أجبرهم عليه ، فالصورة أنه علم أنهم سيكفرون فكتب ذالك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل خلق العَالَم بخمسين ألف سنة ، أعطي مثالا واقعيا حتى نفهم جميعا ، عندنا أستاذ له خبرة كبيرة بتلاميذه و قبل الإمتحان كتب في ورقة التلميذ زيد سيفشل في الإمتحان ، و هذا التقييم إنطلاقا من معرفته بمستواه في الفصل الدراسي ، و في الإختبار فعلا فشل زيد في الإمتحان هل يعني هذا أن الأستاذ أجبر زيد على السقوط في الإمتحان ، الجواب لاااا ، إذن الجميع يتحمل مسؤوليته ، لأن الله أعطانا الإختيار الكامل بين الخير و الشر و الحق و الباطل و الكفر و الإيمان و طاعته و معصيته ، فمن إختار طريقا فعليه أن يتحمل مسؤوليته يوم القيامة ، أما جواب الشق الثاني من السؤال ، الله تعالى جعل هذه الدنيا إختبارا للإنسان و حجة عليه و من أسماءه سبحانه وتعالى العدل ، فلا يمكن أن يعذِّب إنسانا في جهنم حتى يبيِن له الحق عن طريق أنبياءه و أتباعهم و كتبه السماوية ، ويفعل الإنسان ذلك الضلم أو الكفر أو الذنب و هو بكامل قواه العقلية حتى اذا أدخله النار عذبه بحجة بينة ليس فيها أدنى شُبْهَةِ ضُلْمٍ ، أما الأمور التي أجبر عليها الإنسان في هذه الدنيا فهي قليلة و لا علاقة لها بالكفر و الإيمان و الطاعة و المعصية والحق و الباطل و الضلم و العدل ، هي عبارة عن أمور خلقية كبلد الإنسان و لغته و لونه و موعد ولادته و وفاته و رزقه ، عموما الأمور التي لا تحاسب عليها يوم القيامة فلا يمكن أن يحاسبك الله على بلدك و وفاتك ولونك .
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
I received a question from a Portuguese Christian woman who asked: \"If it is predetermined for a person to disobey Allah or to enter hell, why would he be punished for something that was predetermined for him?\"
In response, I would like to say that this question and this confusion arises for many people due to their lack of differentiation between predestination and coercion to perform an action. Allah, the Most High, knows the unseen, that is, what will happen in the future. Some people will disbelieve in Him and disobey His messengers by their own will and choice. Allah wrote this in the Preserved Tablet before He created the heavens and the earth, fifty thousand years before that, as mentioned in the authentic hadith of Abdullah ibn Amr.
This predestined fate in the Preserved Tablet does not mean that Allah forced them to do so. Rather, the reality is that He knew that they would disbelieve, so He wrote that in the Preserved Tablet before creating the universe. Let me give you a real example to understand this better: We have a teacher who has a lot of experience with his students, and before the exam, he writes on a student\'s paper that he will fail the exam based on his performance in the classroom. In the exam, the student really fails. Does this mean that the teacher forced him to fail the exam? The answer is no.
Therefore, everyone bears responsibility for their own choices between good and evil, truth and falsehood, disbelief and faith, obedience and disobedience to Allah. Whoever chooses a path must bear responsibility for it on the Day of Judgment. As for the second part of the question, Allah made this world a test for human beings and a proof against them. One of His names is the Just, and therefore, He cannot punish a person in hellfire until He has made the truth clear to him through His prophets, their followers, and His heavenly books.
If a person commits injustice, disbelief, or sin while using his full mental powers, then when he enters the hellfire, he will be punished with a clear argument that does not contain the slightest hint of injustice. However, as for the matters that a person is forced to do in this world, they are few and have no relation to disbelief, faith, obedience, disobedience, justice, or injustice. They are just natural things like the country a person is born in, his language, color, date of birth, and death. Generally, matters that are not accountable on the Day of Judgment are not subject to punishment, such as a person\'s country, date of birth, or color.
May Allah bless and grant peace upon our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions.
Em nome de Allah, o Mais Misericordioso, o Mais Compassivo.
Recebi uma pergunta de uma mulher cristã portuguesa que perguntou: \"Se já está destinado para uma pessoa desobedecer a Allah ou entrar no inferno, por que ela seria punida por algo que já estava destinado para ela?\"
Em resposta, gostaria de dizer que essa pergunta e essa confusão surgem para muitas pessoas devido à sua falta de diferenciação entre predestinação e coerção para realizar uma ação. Allah, o Altíssimo, conhece o oculto, ou seja, o que acontecerá no futuro. Algumas pessoas não acreditarão nele e desobedecerão seus mensageiros por sua própria vontade e escolha. Allah escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar os céus e a terra, cinquenta mil anos antes disso, como mencionado no hadith autêntico de Abdullah ibn Amr.
Este destino predestinado na Tábua Preservada não significa que Allah os forçou a fazê-lo. A realidade é que Ele sabia que eles não acreditariam, então Ele escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar o universo. Deixe-me dar um exemplo real para entender isso melhor: Temos um professor que tem muita experiência com seus alunos e, antes do exame, ele escreve no papel de um aluno que ele vai falhar no exame com base no desempenho dele na sala de aula. No exame, o aluno realmente fracassa. Isso significa que o professor o forçou a fracassar no exame? A resposta é não.
Portanto, cada um é responsável por suas próprias escolhas entre o bem e o mal, a verdade e a falsidade, a descrença e a fé, a obediência e a desobediência a Allah. Quem escolhe um caminho deve assumir a responsabilidade por ele no Dia do Julgamento. Quanto à segunda parte da pergunta, Allah fez deste mundo um teste para os seres humanos e uma prova contra eles. Um de Seus nomes é o Justo e, portanto, Ele não pode punir uma pessoa no fogo do inferno até ter deixado a verdade clara para ela por meio de Seus profetas, seus seguidores e Seus livros divinos.
Se uma pessoa comete injustiça, descrença ou pecado enquanto usa todo o seu poder mental, quando entra no fogo do inferno, será punida com um argumento claro que não contém a menor sugestão de injustiça. No entanto, quanto às questões que uma pessoa é forçada a fazer neste mundo, elas são poucas e não têm relação com descrença, fé, obediência, desobediência, justiça ou injustiça. São apenas coisas naturais como o país em que uma pessoa nasce, sua língua, cor, data de nascimento e morte. Geralmente, as questões que não são responsabilizadas no Dia do Julgamento não estão sujeitas a punição, como o país de uma pessoa, data de nascimento ou cor.
Que Allah abençoe e conceda paz a nosso mestre Muhammad, sua família e seus companheiros.
#الله #الإسلام #القرآن #السنة #الإيمان #التوحيد #الصلاة #الصيام #الزكاة #الحج #الجهاد #الأخلاق #الرحمة #العدل #الصبر #التسامح #التعايش #السلام #البرتغال #البرتغالية #الكنيسة #المسيحية #الإيمان #الصلاة #الصوم #التجسد #الصليب #الرحمة #العدل
#Allah #Islam #Quran #Sunnah #faith #Tawheed #prayer #fasting #zakat #hajj #jihad #morality #mercy #justice #patience #tolerance #coexistence #peace #Portugal #Portuguese #church #Christianity #faith #prayer #fasting #incarnation #cross #mercy #justice
#Allah #Islã #Alcorão #Sunnah #fé #Tawheed #oração #jejum #zakat #hajj #jihad #moralidade #misericórdia #justiça #paciente #tolerância #coexistência #paz #Portugal #português #igreja #cristianismo #fé #oração #jejum #encarnação #cruz #misericórdia #justiça. ❝ ⏤بستان علم النبوءة
❞ مسألة مهمة في القدر (جواب الشيخ هشام المحجوبي)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جاءني سؤال من إمرأة مسيحية برتغالية تقول السائلة إذا كان مقدرا على الإنسان أنه سيعصي الله أو أنه سيدخل جهنم فلماذا سيعاقب على أمر مقدر عليه؟
هذا السؤال و هذا الإشكال يَشْتَبِهُ على كثير من الناس بسبب عدم التفريق بين القدر و كتابته و الإجبار على الفعل ، فالله سبحانه و تعالى يعلم الغيب ، أعني ما سيقع في المستقبل ، فعلم بعض الناس سيكفرون به و سيعصون رسله بكامل إرادتهم و إختيارهم ، فكتب ذلك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل أن يخلق السماوات و الأرض بخمسين ألف سنة ، و هذا في حديث عبد الله بن عمرو الصحيح ، فهذا القدر المكتوب في اللوح المحفوظ لا يعني أنه سبحانه وتعالى أجبرهم عليه ، فالصورة أنه علم أنهم سيكفرون فكتب ذالك في اللوح المحفوظ قبل خلق العَالَم بخمسين ألف سنة ، أعطي مثالا واقعيا حتى نفهم جميعا ، عندنا أستاذ له خبرة كبيرة بتلاميذه و قبل الإمتحان كتب في ورقة التلميذ زيد سيفشل في الإمتحان ، و هذا التقييم إنطلاقا من معرفته بمستواه في الفصل الدراسي ، و في الإختبار فعلا فشل زيد في الإمتحان هل يعني هذا أن الأستاذ أجبر زيد على السقوط في الإمتحان ، الجواب لاااا ، إذن الجميع يتحمل مسؤوليته ، لأن الله أعطانا الإختيار الكامل بين الخير و الشر و الحق و الباطل و الكفر و الإيمان و طاعته و معصيته ، فمن إختار طريقا فعليه أن يتحمل مسؤوليته يوم القيامة ، أما جواب الشق الثاني من السؤال ، الله تعالى جعل هذه الدنيا إختبارا للإنسان و حجة عليه و من أسماءه سبحانه وتعالى العدل ، فلا يمكن أن يعذِّب إنسانا في جهنم حتى يبيِن له الحق عن طريق أنبياءه و أتباعهم و كتبه السماوية ، ويفعل الإنسان ذلك الضلم أو الكفر أو الذنب و هو بكامل قواه العقلية حتى اذا أدخله النار عذبه بحجة بينة ليس فيها أدنى شُبْهَةِ ضُلْمٍ ، أما الأمور التي أجبر عليها الإنسان في هذه الدنيا فهي قليلة و لا علاقة لها بالكفر و الإيمان و الطاعة و المعصية والحق و الباطل و الضلم و العدل ، هي عبارة عن أمور خلقية كبلد الإنسان و لغته و لونه و موعد ولادته و وفاته و رزقه ، عموما الأمور التي لا تحاسب عليها يوم القيامة فلا يمكن أن يحاسبك الله على بلدك و وفاتك ولونك .
وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
I received a question from a Portuguese Christian woman who asked: ˝If it is predetermined for a person to disobey Allah or to enter hell, why would he be punished for something that was predetermined for him?˝
In response, I would like to say that this question and this confusion arises for many people due to their lack of differentiation between predestination and coercion to perform an action. Allah, the Most High, knows the unseen, that is, what will happen in the future. Some people will disbelieve in Him and disobey His messengers by their own will and choice. Allah wrote this in the Preserved Tablet before He created the heavens and the earth, fifty thousand years before that, as mentioned in the authentic hadith of Abdullah ibn Amr.
This predestined fate in the Preserved Tablet does not mean that Allah forced them to do so. Rather, the reality is that He knew that they would disbelieve, so He wrote that in the Preserved Tablet before creating the universe. Let me give you a real example to understand this better: We have a teacher who has a lot of experience with his students, and before the exam, he writes on a student˝s paper that he will fail the exam based on his performance in the classroom. In the exam, the student really fails. Does this mean that the teacher forced him to fail the exam? The answer is no.
Therefore, everyone bears responsibility for their own choices between good and evil, truth and falsehood, disbelief and faith, obedience and disobedience to Allah. Whoever chooses a path must bear responsibility for it on the Day of Judgment. As for the second part of the question, Allah made this world a test for human beings and a proof against them. One of His names is the Just, and therefore, He cannot punish a person in hellfire until He has made the truth clear to him through His prophets, their followers, and His heavenly books.
If a person commits injustice, disbelief, or sin while using his full mental powers, then when he enters the hellfire, he will be punished with a clear argument that does not contain the slightest hint of injustice. However, as for the matters that a person is forced to do in this world, they are few and have no relation to disbelief, faith, obedience, disobedience, justice, or injustice. They are just natural things like the country a person is born in, his language, color, date of birth, and death. Generally, matters that are not accountable on the Day of Judgment are not subject to punishment, such as a person˝s country, date of birth, or color.
May Allah bless and grant peace upon our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions.
Em nome de Allah, o Mais Misericordioso, o Mais Compassivo.
Recebi uma pergunta de uma mulher cristã portuguesa que perguntou: ˝Se já está destinado para uma pessoa desobedecer a Allah ou entrar no inferno, por que ela seria punida por algo que já estava destinado para ela?˝
Em resposta, gostaria de dizer que essa pergunta e essa confusão surgem para muitas pessoas devido à sua falta de diferenciação entre predestinação e coerção para realizar uma ação. Allah, o Altíssimo, conhece o oculto, ou seja, o que acontecerá no futuro. Algumas pessoas não acreditarão nele e desobedecerão seus mensageiros por sua própria vontade e escolha. Allah escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar os céus e a terra, cinquenta mil anos antes disso, como mencionado no hadith autêntico de Abdullah ibn Amr.
Este destino predestinado na Tábua Preservada não significa que Allah os forçou a fazê-lo. A realidade é que Ele sabia que eles não acreditariam, então Ele escreveu isso na Tábua Preservada antes de criar o universo. Deixe-me dar um exemplo real para entender isso melhor: Temos um professor que tem muita experiência com seus alunos e, antes do exame, ele escreve no papel de um aluno que ele vai falhar no exame com base no desempenho dele na sala de aula. No exame, o aluno realmente fracassa. Isso significa que o professor o forçou a fracassar no exame? A resposta é não.
Portanto, cada um é responsável por suas próprias escolhas entre o bem e o mal, a verdade e a falsidade, a descrença e a fé, a obediência e a desobediência a Allah. Quem escolhe um caminho deve assumir a responsabilidade por ele no Dia do Julgamento. Quanto à segunda parte da pergunta, Allah fez deste mundo um teste para os seres humanos e uma prova contra eles. Um de Seus nomes é o Justo e, portanto, Ele não pode punir uma pessoa no fogo do inferno até ter deixado a verdade clara para ela por meio de Seus profetas, seus seguidores e Seus livros divinos.
Se uma pessoa comete injustiça, descrença ou pecado enquanto usa todo o seu poder mental, quando entra no fogo do inferno, será punida com um argumento claro que não contém a menor sugestão de injustiça. No entanto, quanto às questões que uma pessoa é forçada a fazer neste mundo, elas são poucas e não têm relação com descrença, fé, obediência, desobediência, justiça ou injustiça. São apenas coisas naturais como o país em que uma pessoa nasce, sua língua, cor, data de nascimento e morte. Geralmente, as questões que não são responsabilizadas no Dia do Julgamento não estão sujeitas a punição, como o país de uma pessoa, data de nascimento ou cor.
Que Allah abençoe e conceda paz a nosso mestre Muhammad, sua família e seus companheiros.